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Chapter 3 - School Life

At around 9:10 pm, Jisung and Felix wandered on down to the common room. Despite there being a fairly large number of students living on their floor, the boys were shocked to see only four of their dorm-mates, plus Chan, hanging around in the lounge.

Jeongin waved excitedly as the two walked through the door. Seungmin staggered backwards, pointing at Jisung.

"He's still 'it'," he stated.

"As your residence fellow-" Chan started.

"Residence mom," Jeongin coughed.

"Yeah, whatever," Chan said, shaking his head. "Using the power bestowed in me by the university, I say Jisung is no longer 'it'. At least for the rest of the night. Anyways, I'm going to go out on a limb and assume this is the final turnout for tonight, so we might as well introduce ourselves. Who wants to start?"

Jeongin's hand immediately shot up. "I'm Jeongin, but you guys can just call me Innie if you want," the sunshine boy said with a smile.

"And I'm his roommate, unfortunately," a tall boy teased the energetic maknae of the group. "Oh, and my name is Hyunjin."

"Is it my turn?" a boy with stark black hair asked to which Chan nodded. "I'm Changbin," he said as he gave two unenthusiastic thumbs up.

"And I'm Seungmin, his roommate!" The hyper brunette said as he wrapped an arm around Changbin. Jisung found himself amused by the contrast between the two roommates' personalities- they were like night and day.

Felix and Jisung took their turns introducing themselves to the group which was followed by Chan laying out some ground rules about living in the dorms. Once he had gone over some general rules, he opened the floor up for a group discussion.

"How about we consider some hypothetical situations that may arise living in the dorms," Chan proposed, taking a moment to think of an example. "Let's say you find a phone in the hallway, what would you do?"

"Finders keepers," Hyunjin shrugged, earning as tsk out of Chan.

"Take a bunch of selfies!"

"Very funny, Jeongin," Chan said as he shook his head. "You guys suck at this."

"Bring it to you, Chan, so you can find the rightful owner," Felix suggested proudly.

"You see, that's the type of answer I like to hear," Chan said as he reached into his bag, pulled out a mini chocolate bar and tossed it to Felix.

Now that the boys were tempted by treats, they waited desperately like Jeopardy contestants for Chan to ask the next question. Jisung was ready to slam his hand against an imaginary buzzer.

"Let's say you wanted to bring a, uh, 'special friend' to your dorm room. What would be the proper course of action to take in order to respect your roommate as well as those living on the floor?" Chan asked.

"If you're gonna smash, at least do it in the shower so your roommate doesn't have to see that shit," Changbin piped up, resulting in uncontrollable laughter from Hyunjin and Felix.

"That's... a good start, I guess?" Chan said. He tossed Changbin a mini chocolate bar. "I was looking for something more along the lines of asking your roommate for permission, but I appreciate the participation."

"You should always invite your roommate to join, too, " Jeongin added.

The boy was met by shocked expressions from the entire group.

"Kinky..." Jisung muttered.

"W-we're talking about playing Super Smash Bros... right?" Jeongin, the innocent baby of the group, added, to which Changbin choked on the air.

Jisung found himself opening up to the group of boys easily. They were all unique in their own ways but somehow seemed to click together perfectly. He could tell there would never be a dull moment on the fourth floor so long as they were all living together.

After hanging out in the lounge for about an hour, Chan decided to call it a night and dismissed the meeting. Jeongin, who was already exhausted from the long day, retired to bed after giving a goodnight wave to his new friends. Changbin followed soon after, leaving only four boys remaining in the common room.

"Hey," Hyunjin said to Felix, Jisung, and Seungmin just as they were about to leave. "I heard there's a cool bar just off campus and I wanted to check it out. Would any of you guys be down?"

Jisung thought about how he had class tomorrow but decided he deserved to have some fun after a long day. The other boys agreed to join as well, and so the small group of new friends headed out into the crisp autumn night.

hope you guys are enjoying it so far :D ! sorry this update was quite short, I will be uploading the next chapter very soon :)

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