: ̗̀➛ akaza catchup

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I'd say...probably Spooning.

Contact Names:
Yours: Bae ❤
His: Slight Tsundere ❤

Yours: Babe [idk dudes]
His: [Y'all can pick cuz I'm running out of ideas. H/n = His nickname]

What He Likes About You:
Your considerate personality - He likes how you care about demons and humans alike, although you're a bit more caring of demons since that's what you are.

What You Like About Him:
The blue lines covering his body - I mean, they are quite...pretty?

First Kiss:
I feel like this dude would probably just do it randomly and just....leave before he faints or something.
You were coming back from a mission and you were understandably exhausted. You needed to rest so you went to your room. To your surprise, Akaza was waiting there.
"Oh hey, H/n." Akaza turned to you.
"Hey. I know you're probably tired so I already prepared a bath for you along with a clean set of clothes. They're on your bed." Akaza blushed a bit.
Your eyes widened. You quickly hugged him and pecked his cheek.
"Thanks!" You smiled.
Akaza debated whether to smile back or just hug you back. However, he came up with another idea that was much more to his liking. He gently leaned in and closed the space between you two, his lips were on yours. You began to kiss back and that's when Akaza stopped. He began to walk away with a massive blush on his face. You chuckled and went into your room.

When They Get Drunk:
I feel like Akaza would be able to hold his liquor quite well. And if he's drunk, he'd probably just chant, "I'm not drunk!" Over and over again.
"Get to bed! You're drunk!"
"No I'm not!" Akaza would slur.
He kept saying that until he eventually got tired and fell asleep.

Who You're Jealous Of:
No one?

Who They're Jealous Of:

C̤̈ö̤n̤̈ẗ̤ë̤ẍ̤ẗ̤: Basically, some snarky hoe was all over your mans, you accidentally misunderstood. My condolences.
You'd been assigned a mission with Akaza. You were getting ready and when you finally were, you went outside of the mansion/house. Akaza was waiting outside for you but when you got outside, you saw another demon extremely close to him and also one hand on his chest and the other on his back.
"What are you doing today? Why don't we.....go to my room?" The demon's face gave a suggestive look.
You got a bit pissed and irritated so you just began to walk away, leaving Akaza behind.
"I'd rather not. Hey, Y/n!" Akaza yelled once he saw you.
You simply ignored him and kept walking. When Akaza tried to go over to you, the demon held him back so he had to just push them off. After that, Akaza ran towards you.
"Hey! Did you hear me?!"
You only sent him a glare.
"I-Is it....about what happened a few minutes ago? If so...I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen! I swear!" Akaza said with a sincere look on his face.
Your glare faded, you could tell Akaza was being sincere.
"Alright. I forgive you." You smiled.
Akaza blushed and turned away.
"As if I'd ever cheat on you!" He scoffed.
You pulled his ear.
"F-Fine," He sighed.
"I....I love you okay?" He blushed.
"I love you, too." You smiled.

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