: ̗̀➛ muichiro catchup

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C̤̈ḧ̤ä̤r̤̈ä̤c̤̈ẗ̤ë̤r̤̈ R̤̈ë̤q̤̈ṳ̈ë̤s̤̈ẗ̤ë̤d̤̈ B̤̈ÿ̤: UhOhFlowers

You met Muichiro after you ranked up from Kinoe to Pillar. All pillars were there for your moving up ceremony, [idk if there is one but there is for the sake of this story]
"We are gathered here today to honor and witness the moving up of Y/n L/n. She/He has worked extremely hard to rank up from the very beginning and all the way up to a Pillar." Kagaya said.
You were bowing down in front of him, waiting to officially be named a Pillar. The other Pillars were behind you, sitting on their knees.
"I hereby pronounce you, a brand new Pillar." Kagaya finished.
Everyone began to clap behind you, some chanted your name and by someone, I mean Shinobu and Mitsuri and them only. Once the ceremony was over, everyone planned to go out to eat in honor of your success. A few people came up to you and congratulated you.
"Huh?" Someone tapped you on the shoulder.
"Oh hey, Muichiro-kun!" You greeted the Mist Pillar.
"Congratulations on moving up." He said in his usual monotone voice.
"Thanks, you too!" You cheerfully said.
Wait. You too? Muichiro stayed silent while you face palmed internally.
"Gosh! I'm so sorry!" You apologized for the response.
"No worries." Muichiro responded with a blank face.
What a way to meet huh? Hopefully he doesn't dislike you for your awkwardness.

First Thoughts:
"Awkward I see, but they're not too bad."

Realizing Their Feelings:
You both had been sent on a mission together. You both had been injured pretty badly, however, you persevered and eventually succeeded which amazed Muichiro.
"Come on!" You yelled behind you at Muichiro.
He was extremely exhausted and so were you. At the moment, you were both running away from a group of six demons. You both had bad injuries. You managed to slip into an alley without the demons noticing.
"Over here!" You whispered to Muichiro.
He nodded and ran to you. Once you were with one another, you went inside a nearby abandoned building and sat down to catch your breaths. You looked at Muichiro's injuries and tore a bit of cloth from your haori. You walked to him and began to wrap his arm - where the injury was, with your cloth. He blushed at your actions.
"Thanks." He said, looking away.
You smiled and began to tend to your wounds. It was silent and Muichiro was watching you and admiring you. His cheeks were slightly red. The building you guys were in was silent. Only the sounds of breathing were present. The quiet was interrupted though by the sounds of violent growling. Your head snapped up to the sounds and you quickly got in front of Muichiro to protect him. You unsheathed your sword and breathed heavily. Once the demons got close enough you beheaded them all swiftly with one motion. By the end of it all, you were panting and sweating. Muichiro quickly went to your side.
"Are you okay?!" He asked.
You smiled weakly and nodded. Muichiro's blush appeared again and it was bigger this time.
"She's/He's so strong despite being awkward," He thought.
"I think I like them." He smiled a bit.

You were eating lunch with your friend, Mitsuri when Muichiro appeared and asked to talk to you.
"A-And then, he came in and sliced the demons neck!" Mitsuri cheered.
You chuckled at her excitement.
"That's cool, what did Iguro-kun do next?" You asked the Love Pillar.
"Well, he came up to me and-" Mitsuri was cut off by Muichiro who cleared his throat.
You turned around and smiled.
"Hey, Muichiro-kun!" You greeted.
He waved and walked closer to you.
"Do you mind if I talk to you alone?"
"Not at all," You looked at Mitsuri.
"I'll be back in a bit." You said.
She nodded and you stood up from your seat. You followed Muichiro to a hallway where he stopped so you stopped as well.
"There is something I've wanted to tell you." Muichiro said in his monotone voice.
"Go on." You said, curious as to what he meant.
"I-I...like you. I've liked you for quite a while." Muichiro confessed, looking at the ground with a blush.
Your eyes widened in shock. Was he serious?
"I...like you too." You said with a blush.
Muichiro's head shot up and he looked at you.
"Really?!" His voice laced with more emotion.
You looked at him and chuckled.
"Of course." You smiled and hugged him.
He hesitated but he hugged you back eventually.
"So, will you be my partner?" Muichiro asked.
"Of course." You smiled.

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