17 : ̗̀➛ first argument

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-ςίɡհ- y'all, it hurt writing this

Tanjiro Kamado:
You argued because he was selfless. He put others lives before his.
Empty. That's what the room was. Empty. You ran looking into another room. Again, empty. You'd been running through various rooms, looking for Tanjiro. He'd been severely injured after one of his missions involving three male humans getting attacked by a group of demons. Tanjiro wasn't able to defend and protect all three males and naturally one of them was about to get injured. So being the selfless guy that Tanjiro is, he ran in front of the human male and sacrificed himself.
"How stupid." Were your only thoughts.
Of course, you knew what it took to be a demon slayer. You will die eventually. Tears began welling up in your eyes. This was the fourth time this month.
"What the hell, Tanjiro?" You thought as you checked the last room.
There he was. Sitting up, talking to Aoi about whatever - you didn't care, you just wanted to embrace him and never let go.
"T-Tanjiro!" You stuttered by the doorway, small tears leaving your eyes.
"Y/n!" He smiled looking at you.
"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asked, concerned for your well-being.
This was it. This was the last straw for you.
"W-What do you mean? Just...look at you! You're severely wounded, and you're asking me why I'm crying?!" You let it out.
Tears were now flowing down your cheeks. Your eyes were red, your nose was red, you felt...drained.
"I'll take my leave now." Aoi said as she left.
Aoi closed the door and left you both in an awkward silence.
"This is...part of being a demon slayer. If you don't like that...then you should quit and leave me alone." Tanjiro finally said, looking into your e/c eyes.
Your eyes widened.
"Did he really just...say that?" You smiled weakly.
Your tears never stopped coming out.
"I'm sorry...f-for worrying about you. I-I'll leave if it makes you happy." You said, looking down and wiping your tears with your hand.
You walked out and didn't look back. Your tears however, spoke for you.

Zenitsu Agatsuma:
I mean...it should be obvious. Mf's repetitive clinginess got on your nerves.
"Y/n-chan/kun!" Zenitsu playfully sang.
He was hugging you since the sun shined upon your home. It was getting annoying.
"This was adorable at first, but now, this is getting ridiculous." You thought as you clenched your fists.
"Y/n-chan/kun~" Zenitsu sang.
"Come with me!" He repeated.
"I wanna stay with you for the rest of the day." He smiled.
"ZENITSU!" You yelled.
Zenitsu got startled and fell back, losing his grip on you.
"Stop that dammit! Can't you see how annoying and clingy you're being?! Give me a break." You yelled.
Zenitsu was now in tears.
"I-I'm s-sorry." He stuttered.
Your eyes widened.
"What did I just do?!" You panicked.
It was too late. Zenitsu was already running outside. He was crying. You sighed and sat down. You felt guilty.

Inosuke Hashibira:
Fact he'd easily get jealous and then he'd be clueless as to why you were jealous when shiz happened.
You were hanging out with your friends, Tanjiro and Zenitsu. A certain boar masked male began approaching you, however.
"Hey Angry Boar." You smiled, greeting your boyfriend.
"Follow me." He said and grabbed your arm forcefully.
"W-Wait!" You objected, trying to get out of Inosuke's grip.
"Just be quiet." He said in a harsh tone.
"Why is he being so rough? Wonder if he's okay." You thought, startled at his chosen tone of voice.
Finally, he led you to the entrance of the Butterfly Estate, which is where you were at with Tanjiro and Zenitsu, although you were closer to the back of the Estate rather than the entrance.
"Tell me." Inosuke said.
"Huh? Tell you what?" You asked, clearly confused by Inosuke's question.
"Why were you talking with Gonpachiro and Dentsu for so long?" He asked.
You didn't even correct him with the names. This was serious.
"They're my friends. What? Can I not have friends?" You asked, annoyed a bit.
"Just tell me dammit!" Inosuke yelled.
"Do you not love me anymore?" Inosuke asked, a bit sad and upset.
"No! I do! I was just talking with them about the next mission, that's all!" You protested.
Inosuke scoffed.
"Sure." He said sarcastically.
He started to leave, but you were so annoyed you called out from behind him,
"At least I don't let others flirt with me and then get completely clueless about why you're angry."
You left afterwards. Inosuke didn't understand what you meant, but he asked Shinobu...and yeah. He felt a bit guilty.

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