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i would give anything and everything

i have

j u s t

to feel pain again.

i thought the pain i felt a year ago was hell-like and torturing , but this emptiness..

this is soul-wrenching.

i don't feel Anything anymore.

Happiness is a emotion i was used to not feeling, but for all the panic, worry, anger, self-hate, sadness--- all the things that made up the pain that continued to eat me alive day and night, that controlled my every move-

for it all to go away like that

for it all to be just gone

for me to Still not feel happiness

for me to stop feeling everything..Anything

THAT, that drives me insane.

There's a hole cut out of me and even if I knew where it was located,

how would i fill it?

I'm a vast, empty nothingness

hollow inside

im   n u m b.

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