Archie couldn't understand what Jughead was so upset about. He simply got on his bike and rode away to tell Hiram that Jughead was not going down without a fight. The Serpents were all irritated by Archie. Their moods lifted however, when his sister came bouncing around the corner holding two trays of coffee with a big smile on her face.

"Guess I was right. I had a feeling you guys wouldn't be in the best mood standing in the freezing cold all night. So here I am! With hot coffee." Lexy chirped.

All the Serpents began smiling and laughing as they began passing around coffee to each other. It didn't take them long to realize that Lexy was not leaving.

"Lexy? Watcha still doing here?" Fangs asked.

Lexy simply began chaining herself up to the pillars of Southside High.

"I'm staying." She said.

"You do realize that we could be staying here for days, right?" Sweetpea asked.

"I guess it's a slumber party then?"

This made all of the Serpents laugh as they began sipping their coffee.


Lexy walked up the steps and sat next to Sweetpea who's eyes were growing heavy. She nudged him lightly and he looked over to her and smiled.

"You think these chains would be a cool fashion statement?" She asked. Sweetpea burst into laughter. "What?"

"Yeah, absolutely. You show up to Riverdale High covered in chains and see how everyone reacts. I dare you." He laughed.

"Well I think they look pretty cool. Don't I look dangerous?"

"So dangerous. I swear I'm shaking."

"Good, you should be. I'm a loose cannon, ready to lash out at anything or anyone that comes in her way, people part like the Red Sea when they see me coming."

"Says the girl who came here with coffee for all of us."

"Well you never know, I could've drugged them all."

Sweetpea laughed before yawning.

"But I guess the coffee didn't help as much as I thought it would." She said, gesturing around to all the other tired Serpents.

"Whatever, it was sweet of you." He said.

Lexy smirked and began to fiddle with her coin. Her and Sweetpea had been growing a lot closer recently. At this point, she probably spent more time with him than anyone else.

"You're shaking, Princess." He nudged her shoulder.

"Forgot how cold it was gonna be. Probably should have come with more than just coffee." She laughed as she hugged her knees to her chest.

"Here." Sweetpea said, beginning to remove his jacket.

"But then you'll be cold."

"You've been freezing your ass off for hours, I think I'll survive."

He placed his large leather jacket on her shoulders and she slipped her arms inside.

Lexy AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now