I found some bandages for small cuts and big ones, I packed most of these necessary ones, like for cleaning wounds and for other things. As I finished looking for the stuff we needed I walked over to Willow who was standing in front of the shelf which was stacked with lady pads, she was a bright pink as she saw me looking at her. "I don't know, which one." She said a she looked at all the different brands, I shrugged as I looked at all the brands "just grab any," I said she nodded as she grabbed a bag full of lady pads, with different brands on all of them. I chuckled as she was still a bright pink

"are we leaving?," She asked me as she saw I was standing at the door I nodded heading out "there's nothing really here, and plus it's still sunny, so we have until nightfall of driving," I said as I entered the car Willow nodded entering the passenger seat, we then drove out of the parking space for the pharmacy. As we drove pass the houses I could see that most of them where already in bad condition some even had broken roofs, I looked at Willow who was staring at the houses too, "so you from Seattle too?," I asked her she looked at me and nodded "yeah we moved here a year ago," Willow said as she went back to staring at the houses, I nodded and went back to driving.

"So did you live in Redmond or Seattle your whole life?," Willow asked me as she got bored looking at the houses passing by, "I was born in Redmond, but then we moved to the city cause my dad and he's job," I told her as I sighed she nodded at my answer not pushing it, "so how'd you meet Elisabeth," she asked another question popped in her head. I shrugged as I tried to think of how and when we met, then a memory played in my head,

"Mommy, I wanna go to the big park, pretty pretty please!," my six year old self pleased my mother, "Ash y'know I'm busy," my mother said as she began cooking. I gave her my puppy face as an idea popped in my head, "so can I go by myself?, please Mommy." I pleaded again tears welling up in my eyes, ha, I know she won't say no to me now I thought trying not to smile, my mother looked at me deciding she then sighed "I'm sorry baby-," she started but I cut her off, "please Mommy I will watch out for the cars, I'll stay away from strangers I'll just be at the swings!," I tried to give her reasons she'll let me go she then went back to her thinking face, she closed her eyes sighing "fine, but you better-," she said but I ran to my room upstairs in our home to grab my hoodie and phone, "yeah I have my phone, thanks Mommy!," I said as I put on my hoodie and jammed my phone in my hoodie pocket running back down stairs, my mother was at the door staring at me,

"Your only going to the park, and the park only." She reminded me I nodded smiling as I tried to get to the door she was blocking, "you better not get yourself into trouble, and here so you can buy your drink and food," she handed me a fifty dollar bill I nodded my head fast so that she could get out of my way, but she stood there hands on her hip "be safe Ash," she said as she kissed my forehead and opened the door to the outside I ran out the door straight to the park that wasn't far away from our two story home, I waved bye at my mother who waved back, I smiled as I dashed through the sidewalk closet to the park, then when I saw it I jumped up and down running into it, I then stopped to catch my breath "I....ma-made..it," I said as I held my stomach, trying to take deep breaths in,

"Are you okay?," I heard a little girls voice asked me, I looked up and when I saw her I knew that one day she'll be mine. I was speechless as I saw her white blonde hair in a pig tail at each side of her hair, and she wore a green headband that matched her green eyes, she was wearing a white and green strapped dress, "are you okay?," She asked again looking at me with a big bright smile, I nodded "yeah," was the only word that could come out of mouth, she chuckled and put her hand out for a shake "I'm Elisabeth," she said introducing herself, I stood there staring at her hands scared that if touched it shell disappear "your suppose to shake it silly," she said chuckling I still didn't move so she didn't for me, she took my hand and shaked it "there see now we're friends," she said as she stopped shaking my hand "friends?," I asked as I looked at her she nodded smiling, I nodded "yeah, friends," I said nodding too. "I'm Ash," I told her then we raced to the swings and played in the playground.

As my memory finished I heard Willow yelling "Ash!, Watch out," she yelled as she pointed ahead of us, I wide eye looked forward and saw a figure standing there waving there hands I swerved the car trying not to hit the figure, and the car went out of control "hold onto something!," I yelled over to Willow who buckled her seat belt nodding I tried to buckle mine too but I struggled as I tried to handle the steering wheel, then out of nowhere everything went black.




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