"You don't have to get dressed on our account." Caden said smirking. I rolled my eyes and got dressed anyway. Once I had those on I went back into my bathroom and grabbed my brush. Walking back into my room I sat on the chair that I had next to the window and started to brush my hair, looking at the boys as I did so.

"Is there something you wanted, or do you like to watch me brush my hair like creeps?" I said, not knowing where all this courage had come from. They both smirked but it was Caden that answered.

"Yes and yes." He said. I just raised my eye brows at him and continued to brush my hair when I was done I started to braid my hair to the side. Looking over at the night stand I saw that I had few hair ties there.

I looked at Adrian, "Could you pass me one of those?" I asked pointing to the night stand. He grabbed one and shot it at me and I grabbed it and finished my hair. We sat there in silence, both boys just staring. I finally cracked.

"You know it is really weird to just stare at someone, right?" they both laughed, I liked the sound. It gave me this fluttery feeling in my stomach. I smiled slightly.

"But we like to stare at you." Caden said while Adrian nodded his head in agreement. I blushed but turned to Adrian.

"You don't talk much. Why?" I asked curious to why Adrian barely talked and Caden always answered. I think I hear Adrian talk only twice maybe three times.

He smiled at me, "You noticed that?" I nodded my head. "Most girls only notice my looks not that I don't talk frequently. The reason I don't talk often is because I usually have no one intelligent enough to talk to."

"I resent that!" Caden said making me chuckle.

"You dipshit. I always talk to you." Adrian said rolling his eyes at him, "Even if you're not that intelligent." He mumbled under his breath but not quite enough that, I nor Caden, couldn't hear him, making me laugh at Caden facial expression.

Getting up, I went to the foot of the bed and grabbed one of the blankets. I walked back over to my chair and sat down, drawing my legs up and putting the blanket over top of me. Caden had final sat in my desk chair.

Pointing to Adrian, "So you don't talk," pointing to Caden, "and you always talk?" I said making sure and they both nodded their heads.

"Why do you ask?" Adrian asked curiosity lacing his words.

"Just trying to get to know you two. It looks like your family is always over here, so I thought why not get to know you." I said shrugging. They both nodded their heads in agreement.

"That's a good idea." Caden said. "What else do you want to know?"

"Anything you want to tell me, I guess. Each of you can go. But you gotta also tell something that no one knows about too." I said smiling at my brilliant plan.

"Only if you tell us about you too." Adrian said. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Okay I'll go first!" Caden said excitedly, jumping up and down in his seat. I looked over to Adrian,

"Does he do that often?" I asked and Adrian nodded his head.

"All the time." I giggled when Caden gave Adrian and me a mock glare.

"Okay my name I Caden Andrew Smith. I am 19 and the oldest, better looking twin. I am senior this year. My favorite color is green. I play on both the soccer team and football team, which I am captain of both. I love exercising. I run to lose myself for a little while. My favorite animal is a wolf. Um... something no one knows... I can dance." He finished with a blush. It was cute on him.

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