Unpublished Story Parts (1)

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Aye, I'm still alive.
I currently run out of time to write. My weeks are always kinda full, so it's  hard to squeeze writing into it.

I actually have Clandestine fully planned out, I just need more t i m e.

There's another AC story on the way that I'm really excited about.


Whenever I get requests, I change the plot and storyline a lot so I have many half-done chapters. There are some that I really like haha so I wanted to share them with you.

I also added a few quotes I came up with and couldn't find a way to include in the shots.
I get so many ideas for quotes, especially dramatic ones, but I never know how to use them.

Well, go ahead and have a look at my brainstorming and unpublished story parts:

Arno Victor Dorian x Male Reader (request)

The householder was surrounded by people. Everyone seemed eager to exchange a few words with him; about the mansion, the weather or politics. Maybe even about the appetizing food that rested on a long table and whoms colorful appearance got your mouth to water.

"Feigned compliments." Your associate's muttering grabbed your curiosity. "What do you mean?"
"All of these people have only one thing in mind- money. They try to befriend the householder with false statements and pointless gifts. The more money one has, the more desired they are. It would mean a lot to be called a friend by someone who has such power and wealth, even though it means lying." You let your sight wander over all the noblemen and women. Do all of them really only think of their own benefits instead of one's feelings?

"You see, (Name), our client, the earl, probably knows that none of his so called friends like him for who he is but for what he has. But does it really matter? To live in a world with no company is harder than live in one with only fake ones."

You watched the group a little longer in pointless search of trying to understand their intentions.
"It still seems... cold."
"We can discuss that matter later, now follow me." With that the brown-eyed made his way towards the earl who had noticed your standing figures and waved you over.

Genuine or not, you greeted everyone you walked past with a nod and stopped a little too close by Arno who didn't seem to realise as he was already completely absorbed in a conversation with the older gentleman opposite him.

After they finished talking, the earl turned towards you and indicated a bow, you likewise.

The three of you continued talking for a short time until the earl directed you and Arno away from the crowd so that you could speak safely about different topics than rising prices of goods.

"Thank god you're here. I should inaugurate you as soon as possible in everything-", your client hastily glanced around the filled room. "Is there even enough time before they arrive?"
"We already know everything", Arno said and you blinked in confusion. As did the earl. He let out a surprised: Oh?, then laughed. "Where's my mind? Of course you do! After all, I demanded the best assassins in whole Paris."
The last part was again, a hushed whisper.

"You flatter us, sir. We will do our very best to keep you safe and prevent the attack from occurring."
You agreed with a nod.
"That's pleasing to hear-", someone stepped into the ballroom and the earl called for the stranger whoms face lit up. "Please excuse me, I have business to attend."
"Go ahead. We shall prepare for our mission."

As you parted, you threw a glance back at the rich man.

Wasn't he scared?

Why didn't  I include it?
I wasn't  sure if it fit and had the right atmosphere. But in all honesty, I like this one more than the one I actually published.

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