Chapter 7

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*Meanwhile At Al's Toy Barn*

*Buzz And Woody Were Behind The New Sigh, Running Together Until Buzz And Woody Saw The Buzz Lightyear Section*
Buzz: *Gasp*
*Buzz And Woody Went Back To The Buzz Lightyear Section And Went Around*
*Woody Sees a New Belt Buzz Lightyear Sign*
*Buzz Climbs Up And Sees Belt Buzz Lightyear*

*Meanwhile At Sarah's Toy Farm*

*Rex, Megan And Mr Potatohead Were Walking Together With Rex Talking So Much*
Rex: I could use one of those. You know, they make it so you can't defeat Zurg unless you buy this book. It's extortion. That's what it is.
*Mr Potatohead Removed His Ears To Stop Hearing Rex Talking While Megan Covers Her Ears*
Rex: Hey, I always thought the golden sector was the only--
*Just Then a Toy Car Was After Them*
Rex And Megan: *Screams*
Hamm: Cara thought we could search in style.
Mr Potatohead: Nice going there, Cara. *Pushes Cara So That Megan Can Drive* So how about letting a human drive?
*Megan Drives Pretty Well*

*Meanwhile At Al's Toy Barn*

*Buzz Was Looking At Belt Buzz*
Buzz: Am I really that fat?
*Buzz Sees The Blue Belt On Belt Buzz, And He Tries To Steal It When Suddenly*
*Belt Buzz Went Alive And Strangled Buzz So He Couldn't Grab It*
Buzz: Ow! What are you doing?
Belt Buzz: You're in direct violation of Code 6404.5, stating all space rangers are to be in hyper-sleep... until awakened by authorized personnel.
Buzz: Oh, no. *Grunts*
Belt Buzz: You're breaking ranks, ranger. Buzz Lightyear to Star Command. I've got an AWOL space ranger.
Buzz: *To Himself* Tell me I wasn't this deluded.
Belt Buzz: Hey, No back talk! I have a laser, and I will use it.
Buzz: You mean the laser that's just a light bulb? *Presses "Laser" on Belt Buzz's Button*
"Laser": *Laser Humming*
*Gasps* *Jumps On The Fake Moon* Has your mind been melded? You could've killed me, space ranger. Or should I say "traitor"?
Buzz: I don't have time for this. *Starts To Walk Away*
Belt Buzz: Halt! I order you to halt!
*Buzz Jumps Down, Suddenly Belt Buzz Came Down Too And Starts Attacking Buzz*
Buzz: Listen to me. Listen. Wait.
*Woody Was Outside Waiting For Buzz, He Just Saw Buzz Made a Shape*

*Meanwhile At Sarah's Toy Farm*

Slinky: We've been down this aisle already.
Megan: We've never been down this aisle. It's pink.
Slinky: Face it. We're lost.
Hamm: Back it up. Back it up.
*They Go Back And Saw There Were Girl Dolls, Especially The Barbie Dolls*
Barbie Dolls: *Giggling* What a great party! How low can you go? How low can you go? *Giggling Again*
*The Boys Jaw Dropped*
Hamm: Excuse me, ladies. Does anyone know where we might find the---
Cara: *Clearly Jealous* Sarah of Sarah's Toy Farm?!
Hamm: Yeah.
Tour Guide Barbie: We can help. *Does a Cool Stunt With Another Girl Toy* I'm Tour Guide Barbie. Please keep your hands, arms and accessories inside the car, and no flash photography. Thank you.
Mr Potatohead: I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud. I'm a married spud.
Hamm: *Switches His Seat With Mr Potatohead* Then make room for the single fellas.
All: Whoa!
Tour Guide Barbie: To our right is the Hot Wheels aisle. Developed in 1967, the original series had 16 cars, including the Corvette.
Slinky: I beg your pardon, ma'am, but where's Sarah's office?
Sammy: Sarah Has a Teenage Daughter Name Abigail And a Toddler Son Name Robert
Slinky: Abigail, Eh, I didn't knew that, gal
Tour Guide Barbie: Please hold all questions until the end of the tour. Thank you.
*Rex Screams In Excitement*
Rex: It says how you defeat Zurg! Look! *Put The Book In Front of The Toy Cars' View*
Mr Potatohead: Hey, get this outta here, "geek-osaur."
Tour Guide Barbie: Excuse me, sir.
Megan: We Get That You're Excited But Can't You See That We're Trying To Rescue Hiro Here!?
*They Are About To Hit The Bubblegum Machine*
Mr Potatohead: Look out!
Hamm: Stop, stop, stop!
*They Hit The Bubblegum Machine, Causing Balls To Fall On Them*
*They Were Screaming*
*Rex Was Using His Book As a Shield*
Hamm: Turn into the spin, Barbie!
*Rex Was Screaming, He And Cara Fell Off The Car, He Also Lost The Guide Book*
Rex: My source of power! No! Comeback! *Yells* Hey! Wait up! Hey! Come on! Slow down!
*Mr Potatohead Sees Rex And Cara Threw The Mirror In The Car*
Rex: Dinosaur and superhero girl overboard! Slow down! *Cries Out*
*Rex Trip And Fell In The Toy Car Again*
*Cara Went Inside Sitting Next To Slinky This Time*
*Cara Had a Grumpy Face, As Hamm Like Tour Guide Barbie More Then Her*
*But Hamm Only Sees Cara As a Friend Which Saddens Cara The Most About Being Friendzoned*
Megan: Cara Is In The Friend Zone.
Tour Guide Barbie: Remain seated, please. *Recites In Spanish*

*Meanwhile At Al's Toy Barn*

*Belt Buzz Was Tying Buzz To The Buzz Package He Came In*
Buzz: Ow! Listen to me. Listen to me. You're not really a space ranger. You're a toy. We're all toys. Do you hear me?
Belt Buzz: Well, that should hold you till the court martial.
Buzz: Let me go! You don't realize what you're doing!
*Belt Buzz Went Searching For More 'Copied' Space Rangers, Woody Was Trying To Figure Out a Plan To Get Belt Buzz Out Of The Way, Then He Had a Idea, He Knew Buzz Will Catch Up To Them With Captain Cutie (Who Is Currently Missing)*

*Meanwhile At Sarah's Toy Farm*

Tour Guide Barbie: And this is the Lucy the Long Lost Princess Franchise aisle. Back in 1995, shortsighted retailers did not order enough dolls to meet demand.
Hamm: Hey, Lucy
Lucy: Huh?, Oh Hey Guys
Mr Potatohead: Quit clowning around and get in the car, princess!
Lucy: Mr Potatohead, I Told You To Never Refer Me As Princess, I Don't Like It
Sammy: Why?
*Woody Arrives With Belt Buzz*
Belt Buzz: Now You're Sure That There's Someone Here That Knows How To Defeat Emperor Zurg?
Woody: Yep, Totally
Lucy: Where Were You Guys?, I Was Looking For You Guys
Woody: Uh, It's a Funny Story
Rex: Woody, Buzz, I know how to defeat Zurg!
Belt Buzz: You do?
Rex: Come on. I'll tell you on the way.
*Woody Goes On With Belt Buzz*
Hamm: Say, where'd you get the cool belt, Buzz?
Belt Buzz: Well, slotted pig, they're standard issue.
*Woody Smile Nervously At Lucy*
*Lucy Knows Buzz And Woody Too Well To Know That Belt Buzz Is NOT Her Buzz Friend*

*Meanwhile At Al's Toy Barn*

*Buzz Was Still Trapped As He Shook It Violently*
Buzz: No!

Chapter 7 Ended.

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