Chapter 6

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*Later That Night, On The Streets*

*Hilda, Lucy, Woody And Buzz Were Sneaking Past The Cars*
*Buzz Signal Them That It Was Safe To Cross*
*Rex Had a Couple Of Leaves On Him*
Rex: *Owl Hooting* *Gasping* *Chuckles*
*The Others Followed, Hamm Accidentally Trip And The Coins Fell Out*
Hamm: All right. Nobody look till I get my cork back in.
Cara: I'll Help You, Hammy
Lucy: Good work, men. Two blocks down and only 1 9 more to go.
Woody: What?
All: Nineteen?
Mr Potatohead: Are we gonna do this all night? My parts are killing me.
Lucy: Come on, fellas. Did Hiro give up when Sid and Henry had Buzz strapped to a rocket?
All: No.
Lucy: No. And did he give up when you threw him out of the back of that moving van with me and Woody?
Mr Potatohead: Oh, you had to bring that up.
Lucy: No, he didn't! We have a friend in need, and we will not rest until he's safe in His room! *"Star-Spangled Banner" In The Background* Now let's move out!

*Meanwhile At Sarah's High Security Apartment Floor*

TV: And that concludes our broadcast day. *Static*
Sarah: *Snoring, Snorting*
*Hiro Was Secretly Going To Risk Alerting The Alarms, But First He Was Going To Get His Right Arm Sleeve Back From Abigail, Who Is In Her Bedroom*
*Hiro Left His Glass Dome And Went To The Ground*
*Hiro Knew He Needed To Be Quiet So That He Can Leave Forever And Never Pretend To Be a Toy Ever Again, That's a Mistake That He Did*
*He Went Smooth And Steady Until*
Hiro: *Gasps*
*Hiro Turns His Head And Sees Amy (Horse)*
Hiro: Amy. Amy, go, go, go, go. Oh, tsk. Come on. You don't wanna help me. I'm the bad guy. You're gonna go back in storage because of me, remember? Just go. Amy-- *Gets Licked By Amy* *Sputtering* All right. All right. But you have got to keep quiet. Come on.
*Hiro And Amy (Horse) Sneak Past Sarah And Went To Abigail's Room, Where Abigail Was Asleep With Hiro's Right Arm Sleeve*
Hiro: Over here. Attagirl. Okay, Amy. Upsy-daisy.
*Hiro Climbed Up To Abigail*
*Abigail Started To Giggle Like Something Was Tickling Her, She Was Smiling While She Was Giggling*
*Hiro Look Down And Saw That Amy (Horse) Was Licking Abigail's Hand Since It's Cover In Orange Puffs*
Hiro: Psst. Amy. Cut it out. Stop it. Psst. Stop it, Amy. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
*Amy (Horse) Stops It*
*Hiro Got The Right Arm Sleeve Back*
*Hiro And Amy (Horse) Left Abigail's Room*
Hiro: Goodbye, Amy *Hugs Amy (Horse)*
*Amy (Horse) Is Gonna Miss Hiro, Despite Him Not Being Princess Lessie Or a Fact That He's a Human, Amy (Horse) Loves Him As a Friend*
*Hiro Went To The Vent, Just As Hiro Was About To Open It*
*Suddenly The TV Turns On*

TV: Princess Lessie and the Magic Quests, Come On Gather Around

*Sarah Woke Up*
Sarah: No, Officer! I swear. *Muttering* What? *Gasps* *Picks Up Hiro* How Did You Get There? Get in there. There you go. Cheap case. Where is the remote?
*Hiro Quickly Looks Around And Saw The Remote In Front Of Bianca*
*Theme Song Continues*
Sarah: Where is the remote? *Grunting* Why don't I put it in the same place every ti-- Oh, here it is. *Turns Off The TV*
*Sarah Then Went To Her Room, With Hiro's Right Arm Sleeve*
*Hiro Was Mad Right Now*
Hiro: What is your problem? Look, I'm sorry I can't help you guys out. Really, I am. But you didn't have to go and pull a stunt like that.
Bianca: What? You think I did that?
Hiro: Oh, right, right. The TV just happened to turn on, and the remote magically ended up in front of you!
Bianca: You calling me a liar?
Hiro: Well, if the slipper fits--
Bianca: Say that again.
Hiro: *Enunciating* If the slipper fits.
Bianca: Okay, cos-player. *Fixes Her Crown*
*Amy (Horse) Went Hiding In The Cookie Jar*
Bianca: Yah! *Went Straight To Attack Hiro*
Hiro: *Grunting*
Bianca: How do you like that? Take it back! Take it back!
Hiro: Don't think just 'cause you're a girl, I'm gonna take it easy on you. *Screams*
King: Bianca, Lessie Imposter, you two stop this at once. *Accidentally Falls*
Hiro And Bianca: *Cries Out*
Queen: I don't know how that television turned on, but fighting about it isn't helping anything.
Hiro: If I had both my arm Sleeves--
King: The fact is, you don't, Hiro, so I suggest you just wait until morning. The cleaner will come, fix your dress--
Hiro: And then I'm outta here and Never Pretending To Be a Toy Ever Again!
*Amy (Horse) Went Sad*
Hiro: Oh, no, no. Amy, don't take it that way. It's just that My Toys--
Bianca: Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. That's all he ever talks about.
*Hiro Ended Up Staying Up All Night Because He Doesn't Know If The Toys Are Still Mad At Him For Lying To Them, Especially Woody And Lucy*

*The Next Day*

*Buzz Was Snapping The Leaves That Was In Their Way*
Hamm: Hey, Lucy, can we slow down? May I remind you that some of us are carrying over six dollars in change?
Rex: Losing health units. Must rest.
Lucy: Is everyone present and accounted for?
Mr Potatohead: Not quite everyone.
Lucy: Who's behind?
Slinky: Mine.
Hamm: Hey, guys Why do the toys cross the road?
Lucy: Not now, Hamm.
Rex: Oh, I love riddles. Why?
Hamm: To get to the cow on the other side! *Laughs*
*Everyone Was Cheering*
*Until The Can Was Crushed By a Car That Was Speeding By*
Rex: Oh, well. We tried, he's fine on his own. *Prepares To Go Back To The Davis/Hamada Household*
Buzz: *Holds Rex's Tail* We'll have to cross.
Mr Potatohead: What the-- You're not turning me into a mashed potato.
*All Gasping*
Slinky: I may not be a smart dog, but I know what road kill is.
Lucy: There must be a safe way.
*Lucy Sees The Orange Things*
Lucy: Okay. Here's our chance. Ready. Set. Go.
*They Go*
*Lucy Sense Cars Coming*
Lucy: Drop!
*Horns Honking*
Lucy: Go!
*Lucy Senses Cars Coming Again*
Lucy: Drop!
*Lucy, Woody, Buzz And The Rest Of Hiro's Toys Stopped But The Rest of Andy's Toys Didn't*
Lucy: I said "drop"!
*Horns Honking*
Lucy: Go!
*They Go Again*
*Lucy Senses Cars Coming Again*
Lucy: Drop.
*Horn Honking, Tires Squealing*
Lucy: Go.
*They Go Again*
*They Made It To Sarah's Toy Farm*
Mr Potatohead: That went well.
*Horns Honking*
Lucy: Good job, troops. We're that much closer to Hiro.
*Unknowingly To The Rescue Team Is That Hiro Is Actually At The Apartment*

*Speaking Of Sarah's High Security Apartment Floor*

*The Man Came And Ringed The Doorbell*
*Sarah Answers It*
Sarah: Oh, thank goodness you're here.
Man: Is the warrior princess ready for cleaning?
*The Man Got Hiro Ready To Be Clean Up*
*The Man Got His Glasses Ready*
Sarah: So, uh, how long is this gonna take?
Man: You can't rush art.

*Meanwhile At Sarah's Toy Farm*

*The Rescue Team Were Pushing The Shopping Cart To The Toy Store*
*However The Store Wasn't Open Yet*
Slinky: Oh, no. It's closed.
Mr Potatohead: We're not preschool toys, Slinky. We can read.
*The Worker Came Not Noticing The Toys, Hilda, Kali And Megan, She Went In, The Doors Sounding Chickening*
Women: Hey, Joan, you're late. We've got a ton of toys to unloading the back.
Joan: All right. All right. I'm comin'. I'm comin'.
Woody: All right. Let's go. *Jumps Out Of The Cart*
Rex: *Jumps Out Of The Cart* But the sign says it's closed.
*The Rescue Team Tried To Open It By Jumping On a Wrong Time*
Buzz: No, no, no, no. All together. Now!
*They All Jump On The Right Time*
*Doors Chickening*
*They Went Inside*
*Rex Looks And Found a Guide Book About Buzz Lightyear Video Game*
Rex: *Laughs In Happily*
*It Was a Big Place*
Slinky: Whoa, Nelly! How are we going to find Hiro in this place?
Lucy: Look for Sarah. We find Sarah, we find Hiro. Now move out!
Woody: There's "Al's Toy Barn" Right Next Door
Buzz: Let's Check It Out, Race You *Starts Running*
Woody: *Starts Running Ahead* Ha Ha!

*Meanwhile At Sarah's High Security Apartment Floor*

*The Man Went Ahead And Fed Hiro Actual Food And Water Enough For Him To Live Another Day, He Stitch Hiro's Right Arm Sleeve Back Up, He Also Fix Up Hiro's Problem With The Dress, He Added Remove Dress Button On The Ankle Area That The Dress Ends On So Whenever Hiro Wanted To Remove His Dress, The Button Will Be There For It*
Man: *Places Hiro Back On His Glass Dome* There you go, little fella. *Chuckles* "She's" for display only. You handle "her" too much, "she's" not gonna last.
*Sarah Push The Man Out of the Way, Out of Excitement For Her Daughter's Smile To Return*
Sarah: It's amazing. You're a genius. She's just like new.

Chapter 6 Ended.

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