Chapter 5

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*Meanwhile At The Davis/Hamada Residence Household*

*Rex Was Trying To Find Sarah's Toy Farm Commercial For Lucy In Andy's Room*
Rex: I can't find it! It doesn't seem to be on any of these stations.
Woody: Keep looking.
Cara: Oh, You're going too slow. Let me take the wheel. *Changes Channels Faster*
*The TV Is Having a Jumbled Audio*
Rex: It's too fast. How can you even tell what's on?
Cara: I can tell.
*Just Then Sarah's Toy Farm Commercial Was There By Sarah Mooing Like a Cow*
Andy's Toys And Hiro's Toys: Stop!
Rex: Back, back, back!
Cara: Too late. I'm in the 40s. Got to go 'round the horn. It's faster.
*Sarah's Toy Farm Commercial Is On Again*
Andy's Toys And Hiro's Toys: Back, back! Stop!
Sarah (On TV): And look for the giant cow
*It Shows Her Map To Sarah's Toy Farm*
Lucy: Now, Etch!
*Etch Made a Map Fast Enough*
Lucy: *Points At Sarah's Toy Farm* That's where I need to go.
Rex: You can't go, Lucy. You'll never make it there.
Lucy: Hiro once risked his life to save me. We need to save him before Tadashi and Aunt Cass comes home, I Regret telling him off under my breath, he's my owner and friend, I couldn't call myself his owner and friend if I weren't willing to do the same. *Sighs* So who's with me?
Mrs Potatohead: I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes and your angry eyes just in case. *Closes Mr Potatohead's Butt Cap*
*Lucy Was Looking For Captain Cutie*
Lucy: Captain Cutie?, Captain Cutie? *Gasp* Red Panda!
Red Panda: Yes, Lucy?
Lucy: We Have a Lost Toy!
Buzz: You Mean, You Guys Lost Captain Cutie While You Were Chasing Sarah?
Lucy: Yes
Hamm: We're Heading Out Anyways So We Might Find Captain Cutie There
Rex: Yeah
*Suddenly A Familiar Person Came With Two Friends*
Lucy, Woody And Buzz: *Happy* Hilda!
Hilda: I Heard From Mrs Davis That Hiro Has Been Kidnapped By Sarah Beth, I Wanted To Come Along With My Best Human Friends, Megan Cruz And Kali (AdventureGirl5's OC)
Lucy: You're Welcome Aboard, Girls
Wheezy: Miss Lucy, you just gotta save my pal Hiro. *Coughing, Wheezing*
Lucy: I'll do my best, son.
*Mrs Potatohead Kiss Mr Potatohead*
Mr Potatohead: Okay, fellas *Puts His Mustache On* Let's roll.
*Andy's Toys (Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Hamm, Mr Potatohead, Slinky Dog, Rex And Jilly), Hiro's Toys (Lucy, Red Panda, Chop Chop, Flame Jumper, Tall Girl, Speed Queen, Cara, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Belle, Beast And The Admin), Hilda, Kali And Megan (All Three Now In Their Toysize Body) Walk To The End Of The Roof, Getting Help By Slinky Using His Bottom To Get Down Safety, Mr Potatohead Was First*
Mr Potatohead: Geronimo!
Rex: You'd think with all my video game experience, I'd be feeling more prepared. *Falls Due To Missing His Catch, But Caught It But Is Still Holding It*
*Rex Was Screaming*
Slinky: The idea is to let go.
Buzz: *Slides His Helmet Switch* We'll be back before Andy, Tadashi and Aunt Cass gets home.
Mrs Potatohead: Don't talk to any toy you don't know!
Buzz: To Sarah's Toy Farm, and beyond!
*After Everyone In The Rescue Team Got Down Safely, Slinky Did It Himself, As The Sunset Rises Down*

*Meanwhile At Sarah's Expensive High Security Apartment Floor*

*Hiro, Bianca And Amy (Horse) Has Been Watching Princess Lessie and the Magical Quests For a Whole Day*

TV: Princess Lessie And The Crew Then Left For Smartfulville, For An Arranged Marriage For Princess Lessie. Will She Be Married, Find Out Next Week On Princess Lessie and the Magical Quests!

Hiro: All right! All right! Next DVD!
*Bianca Instead Had a Sad Face And Turned Off The TV*
*Hiro Was Confused*
Hiro: Hey, w-wait What happened? What happens next? Come on! Let's see the next episode!
King: That's it.
Hiro: What?
Queen: The show was canceled after that.
*The King And Queen Turn Their Boxes Over While Being Inside It*
Hiro: Wait, What about the arrangement marriage
*Amy (Horse) Help Hiro By Pushing Him Up By His Bottom*
Hiro: And the powerful gauntlet that got stuck on Bianca's hand and the prince of Smartfulville, That was a great show! I mean, why cancel it?
King: Two Words; Woody's Roundup, Once the cowboys went up, children only wanted to play with cowboy toys.
Hiro: I know how that feels. But still, that show it's more then just a show for girls, I mean, look at all this stuff!
Bianca: Didn't you know? *Gets Up With Amy's Help* Why, you're valuable property!
Hiro: I wish the guys could see this. *Sadly Sighs* *Brightens Up* Hey-howdy-hey. That's me. I'm on a yo-yo. *Chuckles* Oh, hey. Nice teeth. *Breaks It's Teeth With a Ball* And yet, still a good-lookin' girl. *Sees a Bank Toy* Oh, it's a bank! Cool. *Sees a Bubble Machine* Wh-What do you do? *Pushing The Crown* You push the crown, and out co-- *Bubbles Comes Out* Oh, out come bubbles. Clever. *Sees a Boot* Oh, wow. Hey, what's this thing do? *Steps On It, a Snake Came Out Of It* *Laughs* I get it. "There's a snake in my princess boot." Oh, hey, Amy. Go long! Go long! *Shoots It In The Air* Whoo!
*However They Lost It By The Record Player That's Starting To Play Princess Lessie and the Magical Quests Theme Song*
Hiro: A record player! I haven't seen one of these in ages. *Gets On It*
Record Player: *Fast-speed Giggles Then The Singing Went Slow Mode*
Hiro: Okay, now. Slow.
Record Player: *Extra-slow Singing*
Bianca: Oh, that's funny, Amy
Hiro: *Grabs Bianca* Hop on, princess inventor! Think fast! *Puts It On Fast Mode*
Bianca: *Gasps* Oh.
Hiro: Not bad.
*Hiro, Bianca And Amy (Horse) Were Running On The Record Player, Making The Theme Song Super Fast*
Bianca: Look at us! We're a complete set! Take That Woody's Roundup!
King: Now it's on to the museum.
Hiro: Museum?
*Record Scratching*
Bianca: *Screaming*
*Hiro, Bianca And Amy (Horse) Fell Off*
Hiro: What museum?
Queen: The museum. We're being sold to the Konishi Toy Museum in Tokyo.
Bianca: That's in Japan!
Hiro: Japan? No, no, no, no, no I can't go to Japan.
Bianca: *Chuckles* What do you mean?
Hiro: I got to get back home to my family and former toy friends, I'm not princess Lessie, I'm actually a boy stuck in a dress, Hey, look, look. See? *Lift His Dress To Reveal His Pants*
Bianca: *Gasps* He's Just a Cos-player
King and Queen: Oh, my goodness.
Bianca: *Hyperventilating* No. Can't go. I can't do storage again. I just can't!
Queen: Bianca, Bianca
Bianca: I won't go back in the dark!
Hiro: What's the matter? What's wrong with her?
King: Well, we've been in storage for a long time waiting for Princess Lessie
Hiro: Why her?
Queen: The museum's only interested in the collection... if she's in it, Hiro. Without her, we go back into storage.
King: It's that simple.
Bianca: It's not fair! How can you do this to us, Cos-player?!
Hiro: Hey, look. I'm sorry, but this is all a big mistake. You see, I was in this yard sale--
King: Yard sale? Why were you in a yard sale if you are a human?
Hiro: Well, I wasn't supposed to be there. I was trying to save another toy when--
Queen: Was it because you didn't understand yourself, Hmm, Did This Former Toy Friend Break You?
Hiro: Yeah, but-- No, no, no, no, no! It was-- It was an accident. I didn't mean to lie to them about my interest in toys, I mean--
Bianca: Sounds like they really love you. *Sarcastic*
Hiro: It's not like that, okay? And I'm not going to any museum and starve to death in there!
Bianca: Well, I'm not going back into storage!
*High Heels Noise Can Be Heard*
*The Door's Slowly Opening*
Bianca: *Gasp*
King: Sarah And Abigail's Coming!
Hiro: *Gasp*
Queen: Go! Go on, Bianca. Bianca, look at me.
Bianca: Oh, oh, oh.
King: We promise you'll come out of the box. Now go! Go!
*The Ten Boxes, Bianca And Amy (Horse) Jump Back Inside Their Storage Box While Hiro Ran To His Glass Dome And Went Limb, Pretending To Be a Toy Again*
*Sarah And Abigail Came In With Sarah Carrying Robert*
*Sarah Had a Camera With Her*
Sarah: It's show time, kids!
*Sarah Got Her Storage Toys Out, Opening The Ten Boxes Which Revealing That The Others Were Servants For King And Queen of Smartassville, One Is a Prince of Smartfulville, Another Is Another Prince And Another Princess*
Sarah: And now, the main attraction. *Starts Humming*
*Unknowingly To Sarah Is That, There Was a Loose String On The Dress When She Kidnapped Hiro, Now That Arm String Is Off, Revealing Hiro's Right Jacket Arm*
*When Sarah Place Hiro Down Next To The Prince of Smartfulville, She Sees Hiro's Right Jacket Arm*
Sarah: AH! No! Her arm sleeve! Where's her arm sleeve? *Picks Up The Dress's Right Arm Sleeve* Oh... no. No, no, no, no! What am I gonna do? I know. I know. *Muttering* Come on! Come on! Come on! Pick up the phone!
Man (On Phone): Hello?
Sarah: It's me. It's Sarah. I got an emergency here.
Man (On Phone): Well, I'm busy.
Sarah: Yes, we're all busy. Look. It has to be tonight.
*Man Responds, Indistinct*
Sarah: *Gives Abigail The Dress's Right Arm Sleeve* All right. All right. But first thing in the morning. *Leaves The Apartment Room With Robert And Abigail*
Hiro: *Screams In Fear And Worried* It's gone! I can't believe it! My right arm sleeve is completely gone!
King: All right. Come here. Let me see that.
*Hiro Went Closer To The King, Since Now He's Out Of His Box Alongside Nine Other Stayed in a Box Toys*
King: Oh, it's just a popped seam, easily repaired.
Prince of Smartfulville: You should consider yourself lucky, kid.
Hiro: Lucky? Are you shrink-wrapped? I am missing my right arm sleeve!
Bianca: Big deal. *Shoots a Plumb On Princess Lessie's Cardboard Head* Let him go. I'm sure his precious Lucy... is dying to play with a one arm sleeve princess doll.
King: Why, Bianca, you know he wouldn't last an hour on the vents in his condition, since there's lasers in this apartment floor vents.
Queen: It's a dangerous world out there for both, a toy and a human in a Toysize body.
Lord Evilman: It's Best If He Sleeps Here Tonight
King: Agree.

Chapter 5 Ended.

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