Chapter Sixty Six

Start from the beginning

Luka fell asleep during the drive home, his left hand resting in my right and his right resting in Blayze's left.
"How are the Puppies doing?"
I asked Codie.
He half turned around in the passenger seat.
"Which ones?"
"Zera and Zuke's are three day's old and Azlan and Azule's are a week old."
I rolled my eyes.
"All of them!"
Smiling, Jax shook his head.
"Azule had eight, yeah? And Zera had twelve?"
Blayze checked.
"Zera had thirteen."
Codie corrected.
I felt my eyes widen.
"One died."
He explained.
"And oddly enough, it wasn't the Runt, or the Brute."
Blayze frowned.
"Shit! What happened?"
"Not too sure."
Codie shook his head.
"She stopped breathing by the time the last Pup was out. I was just gonna leave her be, but Noah got her breathing again. When we went to bed and got up to check on them after a couple hour's of sleep, She wasn't breathing again. Noah tried to bring her back, but it didn't happen."
How devastating!
"How many Boy's and how many Girl's?"
I asked.
"Six of each."
Codie replied.
"Well, there was seven Girl's and six Boy's."
He shrugged.
"Azlan and Azule's?"
Blayze asked.
"Keegan didn't tell ya?"
Codie asked, looking as surprised as he sounded.
Jax muttered something, but I missed it.
"He sent me a photo of them laying with Azule and said everyone was healthy and I got my Girl."
Blayze explained.
"But that's it."
Blayze and I had discussed it after finding out Azule's mating was successful and that Zera too was indeed pregnant — if Azlan and Azule had any Girl Pup's, Blayze would keep one and I could keep one of Zuke and Zera's Babies.
Codie twisted around in his seat to look at me.
"You still want one?"
Squirming in my seat, I nodded vigorously!
"Hell yes!"
Smiling, Codie shook his head.
"Are you and Noah gonna keep any?"
I asked.
He agreed.
"But we won't make any decision's 'til they're up and moving around."
Fair enough.
"So? How many are Boy's and how many are Girl's out of Azlan and Azule's?"
Blayze pushed.
Jax glanced at him in the rear view mirror.
"Six Girl's and two Boy's."
I'd not been expecting that!
In their previous litter, they'd had all Boy's!
"Still want a Girl?"
Codie asked, grin and tone teasing.
"Or d'ya wanna make the choice simpler and take a Boy?"
Blayze stated.
"Burn, Bail's!"
Codie teased, grin wide.
"In about seven week's, your Husband's gonna have a new Girl!"
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head.
I was not jealous of Blayze wanting a Girl puppy!
"I'm taking a Girl because we already have three Dog's at home."
Blayze stated.
"We need a Bitch in the mix."
Codie opened his mouth.
I know him well enough by now.
I warned,
Shaking his head, He turned back to face the front.

The relief I felt when we entered and drove through Riverston, was blown out of the water by the feeling's that consumed me when the Ute's tyre's rumbled over the Cattle grid at the Harley Crest front gate.
It was time to hug my other Babies — Phoenix, Zuke, Azlan and Zeus included — and catch up with the family!
I caught sight of the Hen's and Rooster scattered around the yard, digging and pecking in the garden bed's.
A few Horse's were standing under the shade of a couple of large Gum Tree's, Aviator and River among them.
"I swear the paddock's have greened up while we were gone!"
I exclaimed, casting my eye over the land spread out around us.
"Sure has."
Blayze agreed.
"Will be good to get out to the paddock's to see how much graze is comin' through."
"Ask Uncle Lukas."
I suggested.
My Uncle's lived here his entire life.
He can read the ground, sky and Stock like Blayze can the Horses, Dog's and Stock.
"Wouldn't bet on that."
Jax muttered, turning onto the track that was sort of unofficially the start of Blayze and I's driveway.
I frowned.
"What do you mean?"
Jax shook his head.
I looked across Luka's car seat to find Blayze frowning.
"All I know, is that we haven't seen boo of Lukas or Bridey for most of the week."
Codie told us.
Something wasn't adding up.
I knew for certain, that Grandpa wouldn't let Uncle Lukas bugger off on a Holiday while Blayze was already away.
Blayze and I's house rolled into view and my Uncle's whereabout's was put onto the back burner in my mind.
The Ute was crawling, so I unbuckled my seat belt.
When Jax stopped the car, I unbuckled Luka's belt, our andsome little man still sound asleep.
"I'll get him if ya want."
Blayze offered.
In translation, that meant I was free to race inside and greet everybody else!
My excitement bubbling inside of Me, like water boiling in a saucepan, I pushed the passenger side back door open and jumped out of the Ute.
A skip in my step, I rushed for the house.

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