The Reaping

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"AHHHH" I hear my sister, Emmy scream. I run as fast as I can to her, when I get to her room, I see her on the ground huddled in a corner. She gets nightmares every so often. She is traumatized by the games that she won. The 59th annual hunger games, I was just five at that time and she was fifteen.

"I'm sorry, she said, it was just a nightmare.

-It's okay, I understand, I reply, gently walking towards her and starts to pat her on the back to comfort her.

-You know, most of my nightmares are you or little George getting reaped, she said shivering.

-Don't worry, it won't happen", I reply softly.

Even though I knew that I might be, I have my names in there twenty-six times. I know that little George will be safe for the next couple of years, he's only five. "I better get some sleep and you as well, tomorrow is the reaping and you have to be the mentor." I said walking towards the door. "I won't be, I can't. They decided that Finnick Odair would do it, because I was too traumatized and I don't have the strength to go back and see two children from our district die in that place. I just can't, I...I won't." she said shivering and getting up and starts to tuck herself in bed. I just stare at the ground, shivering, not from the cold, but because I am frightened. What would I be if I get reaped, or if I won? "Good night." I said closing the door behind me. I didn't even bother listening to her response, I know she can't dare see me get reaped, she will take down her life. I can't, I can't get reaped, for my sake and Emmy's.

The day has come, my fourth time in the reaping. Always the same, going off to the justice building, everyone in their best outfits. I'm wearing a beautiful pink dress that my sister gave me. It's stunning, it shows my red hair and green ocean eyes.

I walk towards the sixteen girl's ile, where I stand behind this really small and skinny girl, fifteen years old, since she is right in front of me. I feel sorry, she's so skinny and small, she must be pretty humiliated at school. My mind was interrupted by Jasey Tarlon. "Welcome, welcome, to 70th annual Hunger Games! Before we start the reaping, we have a special movie for you brought you by all the way from the Capitol. Let's give it a look."

As the same movie goes on for every single year, I was just looking around, not that I don't know this place, but I realized that nothing, absolutely nothing has changed. Plain grey walls, with our district symbol at the entrance. So plain and old, I hate this place.

"Okay, now let's pull out a brave young man and woman to represent district 4. As always, ladies first." She says, smiling.

I feel my heart pound so hard, I can't contain it in my chest anymore.

"Lilian Wilson!"

I see the girl in front of me shivering, frightened and start to walk up the stage. Now I remember her, the girl that has been humiliated since the first day of school, she was so poor and unhealthy, she would even take food from the garbage, while I was in some heaven, with food, clothes, medicine, everything. Before I knew it, I scream "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" What the heck am I doing! I see everyone's eyes stare directly at me. What have I got myself into! NO, I TOLD MYSELF I WOULD SAVE MYSELF FOR EMMY! But it's too late now, Jasey is already pulling a name from the boy's bowl. "Nik Shelton!" Jasey yelled excitedly. I see this big bulky boy walk up stage and give me a wink. Ugh, not him. Not the flirty guy from school. I can see my face showing disappointment.

"Your tributes from district 4. Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor." I hear Jasey chuckle while saying that.

I am now in the Justice building, shivering and scared. What have I got myself into! I was safe for another year, why would I ever do that! I promised myself I would stay safe, for Emmy and my family. As I got lost in my mind, I hear the door slam open and see mother, father, Emmy and Georgie.

"NO! NO!" Emmy screams.


"Please Em, don't scream, I don't want Georgie to wake up." My mother said.

But it is already to late, Georgie wakes up and I see his questioning face.

"Okay sis, firstly you know you are trained, you know you are a career district, get it together, you can win." Emmy says, finally calmed down now that Georgie is up.

"Hey dada, why is Annie leaving? For how long? I want her to make me a fishing hook, cause mine broke, and I know she is the best at that. Please dada?" He says and those words make me gulp hard and I try to contain the tears in my eyes.

"No Georgie, not today. Annie is going to a special place to meet special people, she'll be alright, she'll come back before you know it." My dad says, I see it in his eyes, that he is equally trying to contain himself.

"Okay, you better come back quick, cause I want a new fishing hook, Emmy is bad at making one." Georgie says, as he falls back to sleep.

"Okay time is up!" I see a peacekeeper run in.


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I whisper, but I know they don't hear me. They are long gone by now, and I am left alone, once again.

Hey guys, I really enjoyed writing this chapter, it was fun! This book will be updated whenever I'm available, because I have a lot of spare time! Some of these characters go to their rightful owners and some are mines. Since this is a fanfiction, the story itself is invented by me, but the idea behind it is from the book and movies.

 Thank you for taking your time by reading , it means a lot to me.

Love you guys and see you soon! <3


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