Returning to the scene of the crime

Start from the beginning

People are still dying, and the Lakewood serial killer is still loose. Whoever attacked me, wanted to hurt me enough to send a message. What the hell was the message?

While I contemplated recent events, the killer watched from a distance. No one would suspect that there was not one killer but two. If you want to know people's moves, you have someone close enough to keep you one step ahead of others.

A girl came out of the classroom and made her way to the girl's bathroom. She entered the stall and closed the door, using the toilet. While sitting there, someone entered the bathroom and walked towards the closed booth at the end.

The girl looked to see two black boots underneath the stall door.

"Hello? Who is it?" The girl asked, looking at the door, then she looked at the floor, noticing the boots gone. Not thinking anything of it, she shrugged and finished up.

After finishing her business, the girl stood up as a rope wrapped around her neck, lifting her from the floor. She fought as her legs moved in a spastic manner as the rope tightened around her throat until she wasn't moving. The person let go of one end of the line, dropping the body to the floor, making it hit the toilet. The toilet erupted as the killer stepped down off the other toilet and left the girl's bathroom quickly.

Another girl entered the bathroom, noticing the water and left to inform the office. The office sent maintenance to fix the water issue of the toilet. The maintenance tech walked in and went to shut off the water when he found the body. Maintenance ran out of the girl's bathroom, the tech informed the office, who called 911, then made an announcement.

Attention students! We will conduct a fire drill. Please remain calm and exit the building.

The fire alarm sounded as we got up and left the classroom. Once outside in the cold air, the school waited for everyone to leave the school. I stood there, shivering as Luka found me.

"Leave it to school to have a fire drill in forty-degree weather," Luka said through chattering teeth.

"Yeah, nothing like catching pneumonia to keep students safe from no fire," I remarked with my teeth chattering.

"Attention students! We are sending everyone home!" The principal announced.

Luka and I looked at each other weirdly.

"What about our coats and purses?" A girl yelled.

"You can return later for your items with a parent! All the parents notified! Now, please go home!" The Principal ordered.

The students grumbled as I sighed.

"Good thing I have my keys, although I'm not sure if my boys will ever come out of hiding," Luka mentioned, making me chuckle.

We hurried to Luka's car and got in, then Luka cranked the heat. He drove us back to my house so that we could warm up, and Mom didn't worry. After Luka arrived, we got out of the car and ran into the house. Mom met us at the front door.

"I heard you had a fire drill," Mom mentioned.

"Yeah, the school thought it would help to send us out in the cold weather without coats," I said through chattering teeth.

"Well, maybe Luka can start a fire in the fireplace, and you will warm up," Mom mentioned.

We looked at my mom strangely. She laughed as we rolled our eyes. Mom went back into the kitchen to make hot cocoa, while Luka started a fire. I hid under a blanket on the couch. Once the shooting began, Luka joined me. We fought over the coverage since both of us were freezing. Hey, every woman for themselves.

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