Returning to the scene of the crime

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I returned to school with apprehension. Luka assured me that everything would be okay. He wouldn't allow me to use the bathroom alone. Did I mention my boyfriend is a comedian?

It's not the bathroom that terrifies me; it's empty classrooms. We walked down the hallway, and I stopped, looking at an empty class with the door open. I released Luka's hand and entered the classroom slowly. You could see the blood on the wall and floor.

Luka followed me as I looked at the spot. People think they will fight back when they encounter a threat, but you don't. Fear engulfs you, making it difficult for you to react in a situation. When your assailant attacks you, it's quick and painful, leaving questions for you.

Next, comes anger, because of those questions.

"Why?" I asked in a whisper, letting my anger show. Tears fell onto my cheeks as I stood there, looking at the scene of my attack.

"We don't know," Luka answered.

I wiped the tears from my face as I stared at the spot. Then I felt two arms wrap around me.

"Malia, you might get knocked down, but not out. You're stronger than you know," Luka whispered in my ear.

I nodded as he spun me around to face him. I looked at Luka as he offered a soft smile to me. He reached up and wiped my tears with his thumbs as I looked at him. I was angry and frustrated.

I heard wheels squeak and turned to see the Janitor at the door.

"Sorry, I didn't get a chance to clean because the other students were busy making a mess," the janitor said in a gruff voice.

"We were leaving," Luka said, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the empty classroom. The janitor shrugged and went to work, cleaning the blood up and disinfecting the area.

We walked hand in hand to our lockers, and the others were waiting there.

"Damn, Detroit, you've seen better days," Damon commented.

I looked at Damon with annoyance. Luka smacked him upside the head.

"How are you feeling?" Jasmine asked.

"Like my face hit a wall," I mumbled.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, our dads ordered the school to keep all areas locked that no one is using," Abby mentioned.

I looked at Abby as she looked at me, hopeful.

"It doesn't matter because no one is getting near Malia again," Luka told the others. Yeah, he became overprotective of me after what happened.

"What about the bathroom?" Niko questioned.

"Then Abby can go with Malia while I guard the door," Luka answered with annoyance.

I grabbed my books and shut my locker door. "Look, I refuse to let some asshole alter my life because they have anger issues. If a person wants to come near me, they will find some way. Let's be realistic about this situation," I reasoned

The others looked at me and nodded. Luka rolled his eyes. I can't let some jerk scare me into submission. Have you met me? I went to class and Luka walked with me.

"Why do I have a feeling that you have plans?" Luka questioned me with a look.

"Because I do," I answered with a look.

Luka kissed me at the doorway of the classroom, and I went inside, finding my seat. I sat there, thinking about the recent events. When Jeremy went after Mom and me, Dad shot and killed him. Joe killed Gale when she went after the others. That should have ended the murders, but it didn't.

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