2-1: Coincidence Reaction

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Part 1: Coincidence Reaction

Abruptly, my fortitude convulsed into a cold blaze, running around the body. Ice cubes were buckling and clanking against the glass storm. My mind dismissed into two sensations of waking and dreaming. I heard numerous voices that didn't converse in tangible form. Some whispering, some mumbling.

<Where am I?> My feet were rambling in duskiness. Sand loaded gradually into my chest, I drowned under.

Screams and peeps touched upon my skin, as I was getting scratchy nausea of insecurity. My face flickered to gold coins, legs pumped into rats, and my body dropped into endless-spiral.

Blood rained the space.

A cat leaped at a distance, cheering and dancing while tossing flowers. A snake was falling from bottomless-ceiling and snatched my nose. Black, blue, black again, and red. The color switched like that without provocation.

Everything engulfed toward the feline mammal, it settled. The flowers burned into purple. The cat lost limbs, slowly turned into bones, expanded into a bigger size. Jumped toward here, my body intruded into a giant skull's mouth.

I shocked and reverberated. My chest had something crushed from the top. Glimpse at first awake, my hand caught a glass of orange right before it hit my head.

"Stop that." A woman yelled at the door.

A little girl stood beside me, tried pouring the orange juice into my mouth when accidentally it slipped as a woman appeared. I caught the glass.

On my chest, a black cat with sneaky yellowish-eyes quietly taking a nap.

"Don't disturb other patients. Go now before I bury your favorite-pills in today's lunch."

The girl plucked cat off me, fled without heed to the warning.

I touched my forehead, sweats pouring a lot. It fluttered to overheat. Did I get sick? My palms opened and reopened. No weirdness. I felt a million better from yesterday. No tired. No pain. No nausea anymore.

"Sorry for the childish game. She's just a bit lonely with only her age around." The nurse, Felose, had dressed differently. She had a thick robe that laced with golden thread. Her blond hair spread down from an artless hat. There was a similar sign of love-heart on the uniform, though a bit offbeat than before.

Did I end up in a diverse reality? My hand reached for the wrist to check bromuter's time, but it wasn't there. My eyes ransacked around the hospital smell-alike and noticed an object rested on the cupboard. I exchanged with the orange juice.

A ring. An unfamiliar one. The gem shone in yellow as if was imitated a real-gold. If I zoomed carefully, it tattooed with a symbol. The ring was identical that sparked on her finger.

"Is it yours?" I glanced.

"No. It yours."

Without unconscious, I was somehow transported into Rune Reality.

"No. I'm fine." I refused her aid to position me up. "Where I am?"

"Well, the hospital." Felose continued cleaning and organizing fruits of a basket and remaining leftover after devoured by the girl.

I knew that already. "Specifically, where?"

"Cigriaum Hospital in Aivena City."

<Hm? Why?>

Aivena City supposed to attach within Siqura Selvona's Worldline. It couldn't be I was still in Steam Reality.

Closing my eyes, I depended on feeling to guide me. This seemed hard. But as master of world subject, World Blueprint had a unique ability when coming to blueprint territory. Which meant, I could detect disturbance occurred within an area no matter how far. Considering I installed one on Siqura, my mind tickled from the reaction. Siqura was here, somewhere in this reality. If I converged more, I could pinpoint her real-time location.

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