Gwen and Morgana

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For the past couple weeks Morgana has been fairly confined to her chambers. She's not allowed to go out by herself, so her few trips to the village he have involved guards over her shoulder and gasping children as she walks by. Her only other times out and about were the times that Merlin would take her to the woods or the meadow. Beyond that she sticks to her chambers. It's not all that bad really. The biggest issue is boredom. Everyone in Camelot is still wary of her, and understandably so. It would be nice if she had someone to talk to.

Morgana is reading a book on her bed when she hears a knock on the door. It's not time for dinner yet... Confused, she goes over and opens the door.

"Gwen," she breathes, surprised that she came to visit.


They both stand there awkwardly for a couple seconds, not really knowing how to proceed.

"Umm, would you like to come in?"

"Yes, that would be lovely."

The ladies sit across from each other at the table in Morgana's chambers. Neither one really knows where to begin, so Morgana decides to break the silence.

"How have you been?"

"I've been good."

"What have you been doing since- you know..."

"Oh many things here and there. I help in the kitchens and I've served various guests. Whatever the king asks of me."


"How are you adjusting?"

"Fine. I mean the cuffs are the biggest adjustment. And of course everyone is still frightened of me. That's to be expected though."

Gwen bows her head. She feels bad that she hadn't visited. Of course it's been lonely for Morgana. It's just that right now no one really knows what to say to her.

"Morgana, I-"

"No. Don't apologize. I'm the one that needs to apologize to you."

"Morgana you don't-"

"Yes I do. You deserve to hear it from me personally. Gwen you have been nothing but kind to me over the years. In return all I gave you was resentment. I am so sorry for the way I treated you. I'm sorry for trying to kill you and take over Camelot. I was ambitious and stupid. For that I am sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, or your friendship. I just ask that you understand how deeply sorry I am."

Gwen takes a moment to compose herself. The shock of hearing Morgana apologize for so much is slightly overwhelming. All the while Morgana is looking at her hopefully.

"Morgana, of course I forgive you. All I want is for things to go back to the way they were, before all of this."

Morgana looks as if she's about to protest before Gwen stops her, placing her hand on tops of Morgana's.

"Look, I know of the things you did. I know of the hardship it caused Camelot. But I also know that you're here now, trying to make amends. What kind of person would I be if I were not to help you do that?"

With tears in her eyes, Morgana whispers,
"Thank you."

Gwen smiles, and walks over to Morgana. They share a warm embrace that they had both been missing for over a year. When both ladies seem to be calming down, they separate and go back to their seats. Then, of course, they decide to act as if they were in old times.

"So... I hear there is something going on between you and Arthur."

Gwen blushes in response.
"I guess you could say that there may be something going on."

"Trust me, I'm aware. Agravane told me he's head over heels for you."

Gwen scowled at Agravane's name.
"I'm surprised that Arthur only banished him."

"Honestly, so am I. I guess he has something against killing his family," Morgana chuckles.

"Yes. How are you and Merlin doing?"

Now it's Morgana's turn to blush.
"We're good. He's very busy right now between training and serving. He comes to visit a good bit though."

"Mm hmm"

"Luckily him and Arthur are getting along well. After a couple weeks ago I think Merlin was just grateful to be alive. By the way, I never got the chance to thank you for that."

"For what?"

"I heard you talked some sense into Arthur."

"Oh it was nothing."

"Seriously, I'm grateful. We both could've been killed. We probably would've been if you had not of been there."

"I'm sure that's not true. But in any case, it was my pleasure. Besides, I could not be held responsible for for breaking apart a happy couple."

Morgana tries to glare at her, but desperately fails within two seconds and just starts giggling. Gwen joins in and next thing they know they are laughing until their stomachs hurt. The joy they both feel is overwhelming. Morgana hadn't had a true friend for years, and Gwen is just happy to have Morgana back. So they just continue to laugh, unable to contain themselves. When they finally both catch a breath, Morgana starts speaking.

"I did not realize how much I missed this. All the time I wasted."

Gwen reaches over and grabs Morgana's hand.

"You're here now, and I'm not going anywhere. You have always been one of my closest friends and I am more than willing to have that again. You're safe here Morgana, and you're loved."

"Thank you Gwen. That means the world to me."

Okay... so I had to have them mend their friendship. Besides I just love these two ladies as characters. Next time I'll do more important stuff, whenever that may be. 😂
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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