The End...ish

4.5K 57 3

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to thank you again for reading my story. I really hope you enjoyed it. So as you have probably guessed we have reached the end of the story. However, chances are I may write some one shots of different scenarios that take place after the main story line.

The main purpose of this chapter is to mark the end of the actual story. I hope to write a few one shots within this AU because this one was just so fun. (Plus, I don't want to be done with Mergana fluff and Merlin and Arthur's goofy friendship.) Let me know what you think. It will probably end up as mostly fluff. Also, if you have suggestions or request feel free to comment!

Thank you all so much for reading!


Okay, wrote this a while ago but I just need to react to my excitement on here...
13k views?!?!? What even?????
Thank you all so, so much! It's been a real pleasure getting to write this.


I just keep freaking out about this... 25k views!!! You all are amazing! Thank you so much!

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