The Rule of the King

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He have lived his life like a king since he was 15. Why 15? That's the age when he started to know the deep secret of his family's business. All these while when he wondering why on Earth would he need all those harsh physical training by his father's most elite bodyguards. Sometimes, his father would test him himself. Aside from the multi-businesses his family run, they're also involved in illegal arms trade.

Selling weapons to mafia gang who're willing to pay the price? Nope.How good it is if it's that simple, anyway.

Their family's illegal arms trade involves the trade with governments black agents. It's safe to say that indirectly, they have all the long list of black agents. And not only from one country. It's from various countries. However, the price that these agents would need to pay if dealing with his family is - they must not ask, or try to pry for any information about the other customers. That's the rule set before the broker would lead the agents in need of supply for the best weapons and arrangement that his family can provide - depends on the price these agents would give. And this deal comes both ways where the Bai also will never interfere or Cascade any information to any one. The deal  is very much  respected that rivalry parties sometimes make arrangements from the Bai at the same time without them knowing any better.

They're so established that actually, his 15 bodyguards are the retired top black agents. The Bai family "bought" them from their government when they were almost disposed (read: kill) after a mission.  Two of them were actually convinced to not committing suicide for the sake of their nation. His father, Steven Bai treated them like human and promise a peaceful retirement with the price of protecting his family.

And for that, he lived like a king.... Really...he felt More like a caged bird. Thankfully, his little brother is the one who'll take over the business. Because, as his grandfather, the mighty Gerard Bai said, Ares Bai got the fire, tenacity and most importantly, the ruthlessness to run this important underground business. Despite his lean built that Jake always jokingly compare with a noodle, his IQ is at 250 when he's just 14. Plus with psychopathic tendency, the Bai decided that his brother is the most suitable. He can handle all the mind-boggling and nerve-wracking arrangements of the black agents' requests calmly without mistake.

Then what is his role? He is the shadow. The one to hide the true master of the house. He's handling the normal business, though. The men of Bai are sworn to never bite their own siblings. The Bai family believe that their family's strength came from sibling's support. But, each are warned not to show affection to each other freely. Nah..never the cliche brothers' rivalry over the throne. The Bai is notoriously known as very lacking in producing male heirs. He himself got many stunningly beautiful aunties but his father is the only son. Not to mention his 2 little sisters that's gonna be a headache for him and Ares later on.He and his brother are considered a miracle because they are the generation that have two sons after 10 generations.

Still, people will target him. Despite the deals, they would be stupid to not take preemptive measures. There were people who were stupid enough to try their luck to take over the Bai's business. Some would love to put their hands on whatever information the Bai's would have on all the list of agents. Not to mention that previously, they're also indirectly involved in a coup movement over few governments.

That's the reason for all of those trainings. His built is much better by a thousand light years than Ares but possessed a "too humane" heart, by his father and grandfather's standard. His eyes could not lie at all. He even accidentally showed his bodyguards his loving side to Ares when he joked around.

In this line of business, mastering the different facets of facial expression is not enough. His eyes are what failing him. He doesn't know whether to curse his luck or be thankful that God didn't bless him that cold eyes like Ares', or his father's and Grandpa's.  But he swear, people who look at him and tremble in fear would most likely suffered a heart attack when they look into those three men's eyes.

Then that pops a big question in his mind - how does it feel to live life normally? To be able to express your live to your own family without worry?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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