Chapter 5

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We had walked through the forest for hours. It was finally time to rest. We set up camp by a large tree. We didn't say much to each other. Karen was swing her sword around while laying down. Soon, Karen and Chase fell asleep. I fell asleep to. But soon, I was woken up by a bright blue light. I wasn't sure what it was. I got closer and heard weeping. I push away bushes and find two small creatures with beautiful wings.
"Fairies?" I whisper to myself. The fairy looked sad. It was crying. The fairy next to the crying fairy was on it's back. It was hurt. Green blood was coming from its stomach.
"Is his heart still beating?" I ask. The fairy just stared at me. The fairy didn't speak English. So I pointed at my heart and beat my chest. Hoping the fairy would understand. She got it. She slowly nodded her head. I carefully pick the hurt fairy up and set him next to the fire we made. Hoping to keep him warm.
I pick a leaf of a tree and fill it with a little bit of water and have him drink it. I see something was coming from his stomach. I dig through the first aid kit Ledna gave us and find a pair of tweezers.
"This is going to hurt." I say. I forgot the fairy didn't understand me. So I gestured it to her. She nodded. I grab the point of the object with the tweezers and carefully shifted the object around to get it out. The fairy was letting out a little squeal. When I got the object out, the fairy is motionless. I beat my chest again. The fairy felt for a heartbeat. It was a long pause. After a little bit, the fairy shook her head. She went to feel for a heartbeat one more time. Hoping to hear a missing heartbeat. She shed tears that lit the ground as they rolled off her cheek. I dig a small hole perfect for the little fairy's body. Before I buried the fairy, I kissed its head, and placed it in its grave. Before I dug the first pile if dirt in the grave, the fairy's eyes started fluttering open. The other fairy was enlightened.
She grabbed the fairies hands and dragged him out of the hole. She gave him a big hug. Then she looked at me. And smiled. As if to say, "Thanks." Then they flew off. I waved goodbye and fell back asleep. Wondering how he came back to life like that.
"Fairies! I saw fairies last night!" I explained to Karen and Chase the next morning. They were both eating bread.
"Your kidding." Says Karen laughing.
"It was amazing! One was dying, so it died and came back to life!" I said that a little too quickly.
"Ok. Slow down there." Says Chase with a smile. "For a sixteen year old you talk like a ten year old." Chase joked. Karen was giggling with him.
"Well... For a seventeen year old..." I couldn't think of anything directed towards Chase. Chase and Karen start laughing even harder. I take out my bow and shoot an arrow so it just misses his face. He falls onto his back. And Karen starts cracking up. I take the arrow out of the tree and look at him.
"You win." He says smiling. "But don't try to kill me next time."
"No promises." I say smiling.

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