Chapter 8

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"Do you guys want to hear a funny sound?" Asked Jack.
"No, we do not" said Karen. She was very annoyed. Jack didn't listen.
"Weeeewoooo!" Jack yells.
"Keep your voice down!" Yelled Karen.
"Look who's talking." Said Jack. Karen walks over to me.
"Can we ditch him?" She asked. She looks back at Jack and he sticks his tung out at her.
"We really can't. He would definitely get lost now." I say. I actually thought it was pretty funny. I Looked back over to the trail. I see a very small caterpillar. It was bright orange and covered in fur. When I was a little girl, my father and I caught caterpillars and put them in a jar to watch them turn into butterflies. So I wanted to touch it. But before I touch the caterpillar, a blade swing through the air and stabbed it.
"Don't touch that! It's a poisonbeatle. If you touch it, you'll go crazy!" Said Jack.
"Did you throw that?" I ask amazed.
"Yes. Even though I'm little, doesn't mean I don't have skill." Jack said. Throwing his dagger up in the air. "You see those spikes, right on contact, it will make you insane. Make you do crazy stuff."
"Thanks." I say.
"We should probably set up camp here." Says Chase looking up at the sky. The sun was setting. So we do so. We set up camp near a little lake. Chase was gazing at the sky.
"You know I could teach you how to swim." I tell him. He agrees. Chase takes off his shirt and I take off my pants so only my underwear remands. We go into the clear water. Which surprisingly was warm. I teach him the the simple doggy paddle. Then we just sit on the shore.
"We need to do this more often." Says Chase. I nod.
"You still need work." I say smiling. Then I look up at the sky. Wondering how Robin and dad are doing.
"We should get some sleep." Says Chase. We walk back to camp.
"Thanks." He says. He gives me a hug. His hug is firm, but gentle at the same time. Now I can really feel how big his muscles are.
"Goodnight." I say smiling. Karen and Jack are already asleep. I soon fall asleep to. When we wake up the next mourning, we continued. Karen and Jack picking at each other the whole way.
"What does this say?" Asked Jack pointing at a sign. The sign said, "Turn around if you want to live."
"We're close." I mummer. "You should stay here Jack."
"But I want to come!" He whines.
"Jack." I say firmly.
"Fine! I'll stay." He says with his arms crossed. He sits on a nearby stump. We walk for a few minutes. We can no longer see Jack. While we walk, I feel a branch creep up my ankle. I assumed I stepped in a loose branch. So I yank my leg out. But the next step I take, the branch grows stronger. Soon, I can't yank my ankle out.
"Help!" I yell. Chase and Karen run toward me, but Karen's leg gets stuck to.
"Chase!" She yells. Chase finishes breaking me free and we try to reach Karen. While I was running, a branch tripped me. The branches start growing over my wrists so I can't move.
"Help!" I yell again. But no one can. Karen and Chase are stuck. There is no escape. The branches grew more and more until I am motionless. The branches took over. The branches covered my whole body, except a slit that I can see through. There were boots walking towards me. The boots glowed every time they stepped in the winding branches.
"Help!" I yell. But they did anything but help. Instead, they sprayed a green gas in my face. I cough uncontrollably. I try to gasp for air. My sight getting foggy. In a few seconds, then it went black.

Into the wellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora