Chapter 12

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Everything went black. I couldn't move or talk so I just cried, in front of me I saw Sam making out with Jaclyn. Jaclyn looked at me with fire in her eyes and a smirk on her face.

I couldn't stop crying, Ari passed out. I was trying to get a grip on myself and get it together but I couldn't stop crying.

"Sabrina?" The nurse said.

"Yes?" I stood up and walked to her.

"Ari wants to see you."

The nurse led me into the beige room that held Ari. She was crying and holding her arms.

"Hey Ari." I walked over and hugged her.

She stopped crying and just sat there shaking and occasionally hiccuping. I asked the nurse to get her either a warm towel or a stuffed bear.

Soon the nurse came back with a small bear and her parents.

I stood up so her mom could sit down, before I left her dad lightly grabbed my shoulder.

"Stay." He hugged me and sat down.

The doctor took some tests after we were taken from the room. Its been a few hours since we left her.

The doctor came back, "She lost blood but she will be ok, as long as she gets the right nutrition. She has also been diagnosed with anxiety and depression. We have the medications you just have to pick it up."


I walked around the hospital hoping to get my mind off of things. the same thoughts rushed through my head, why would Jaclyn do this, and would Ari be ok. I called my mom and told her what happened, she was close to tears. Levi doesn't know what happened and we don't plan on telling him.
My phone started buzzing, I took it out and saw Brina💎 was calling me.

"Hello?" I said.

"Sam, come to Ari's room. She's being released today, they ran the tests and she can be released today. Com-"

"I'm on my way." I cut her off.

*2 months later*
It's been 2 months since I was released, nothing for better. I've been babied by my parents, this is they're last week here, Sam is the only one who isn't babying me. I've been having depression and bad thoughts. Sam makes me take my pills and sticks by me when he's here. If he's not here then he's with his friends or taking watching Levi.

"Babe?" I hear Sam call.

"In here."

"Hey." He kisses my head and sits on the rolling chair.

"Hey..." I feel like crying and just cutting my arm up.

Sam instantly comes over and hugs me, "What's going on?"

"It's the thoughts." I choke out before breaking down in tears.

We sit there for awhile him holding me while I stop crying till its just me shaking and him kissing my head. I lift my head and look at him, I kiss him. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I could tell by his heavy breaths that he was asleep, I got out of his grip and went to my dresser to get the black box.

(Trigger warning⚠️ Self-harm)

I grabbed it, looked over my shoulder and went into the bathroom. I sat on the floor, it was 8 in the morning. I took the lid off and took out the fluffy stuffing that hides the blade. I pressed it on my skin and cut deeper than I have ever done. I looked at them with pride and sadness, I knew who were going to be disappointed in me.

"Ari?" Sam knocked on the door.

"Ya, I was just going to the bathroom." I reply, hastily putting everything back.


I heard Sam's footsteps fade down the hall and the click of the door shutting. I heaved out a breath, I have to tell him.
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