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Next part is the ending part...

Old Warehouse...
Shivaay - My happiness and my life is being with you Anika... And who is that guy hah? Your new lover? When did you meet him hah?
Anika mind - He is my doctor Shivaay the one that treat me and my sickness... 😭😭
[Anika were crying....]
Anika - I thought we had nothing why you asking me about him? Leave me Shivaay let me down... You know I'm scared of water and also darkness right... I can't swim... I will drown!
Shivaay - Yes I know but I don't care! I just don't care anymore! I need my answer Anika! If you get down from there or jump you will get drowning because of the water pressure control is in my hand... And your hand is tight with the rope! Surely you will drown!
Anika - I can't be with you and if you really want to kill me then I'm ready... I ready to die rather then says everything you want to hear!
Shivaay - Anika! I'm serious!
Anika - Just do whatever ypu want I don't care anymore! Kill me Shivaay! Just kill me!!!
[Then the door of the warehouse swung open shock Shivaay and Anika...]
[Omruri, Shakti, Tej, Pinky and Jhanvi comes towards the warehouse area where Khanna told them...]
Omkara - Shivaay stop! Are you crazy?
Shivaay - Yes I am... Because of her I'm mad and crazy like this! I become like this because of her! I hate her! Now not anymore! She had to die for what she did to me!
Rudra - Bhaiyya stop! You killing her... You can't do like this! She's already suffers to much...
Shivaay - She had done to much towards me! She betrayed me Omru by having an affair with that guy... She kissed him at the restaurant! I saw her with him...
Pinky -That's not the truth... That guy is not her boyfriend...
Shivaay - It is maa I saw her with him...
Omkara - No!
Shivaay - Why you don't believe me Om?
Omkara - Because she is dying Shivaay! She had lung cancer! That's why she leaves you at the marriage functions... And that guy is her doctor that treats her sickness...
Shivaay - What! 😲😨 What are you saying Om? Anika had a lung cancer? How did you know this...
Omkara - Gauri told me after seeing her CCTV footage at our hoise on the marriage day of yours...
Shivaay - No this can't be the truth... Why she hide it from me...
Rudra - Ahe cannot breathe properly and she always feel sick near her heart area... And more worst her nose bleeding, she keep gets dizzy and she coughed alots and had blood on it...
[Accidently the remote controller is been switched ON by Shivaay hand... And Anika fall down to the water in tide hand and legs...]
Omkara - Bhabhi!
Rudra - No! Bhaiyya what had ypu done!
[She's get drowning deeper in the water... She can't breathe properly...]
Shivaay - Where is she! Anika!!! 😱
[Shivaay then jumps in the water... Omkara takes the remote and stop the pressure of the water and then Shivaay swim deep down and he catch Anika hand... And he hold her bring her up...]
Shivaay - Anika open your eyes jaan... I'm sorry... Come on baby... Come on! Breathe jaan! Breathe! Anika... Anika!
[Her lungs fills with water... And then Shivaay bring her to hospital when she split some water from her mouth...]
Rudra - Come let's bring her to the hospital!

At Hospital...
[The car arrived and Anika being put to stretcher and moved to OT room (ICU Room)... Dr Sid that passed through the corridor saw Anika at the stretcher and he panic...]
Dr. Sid - Anika! What had happened to her? What happened to my sister nurse? Oh god!
[Dr. Sid then grab Shivaay collar clothes...]
Dr. Sid - I thought you came here and will make her agree on the treatment but I was wrong you come just want to kill her! Each and every second in her life she keep on wondering and thinking about you! But you takes some revenge to her! Mark my words! Anika is like my little sister! I love her as my little sister not more then that... If I not marry yet yes I will marry her... But I don't know that I can save her or not! She loves you dammit if you don't believe go to her house just near around here see at her room... Whose picture on the wall and see her diary what she writes for you... How much deep her feelings for you... Then maybe you will have some regret in everything that you did just now! She tries everyday to earn money for treatment... By sacrifice her eating food everyday... Eat some leftover food from that shit restaurant that she works! Did you know that!
Pinky - Oh My Maata! Anika eat some leftover food Doctor?
Dr. Sid - Yes and I saw it that's why each and everyday I come to her house with my wife Nisha to give her some food that we cook... Sometimes we force her to eat for the medicine that she takes...
Shakti - Oh god! She's way more suffer that we thought...
[Shivaay lost in his thought about her words and after that he run and drive to Anika house... He enter her house after kick the door... Then he runs to the Anika room... He shock sees his photograph with Anika around the room... Then he saw the diary...]
Shivaay - Anika diary...
[Shivaay takes all the 3 diaries then he gone to the hospital back... Then he sits at tge benches area...]

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