[New] - Part 5 [Final Goodbye!] LAST PART

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At City Hospital
[Anika is so fatigue and in a deep sleep...]
Harsh - Anika... My daughter...
Anika - Papa... I miss you so much...
[Anika hug him...]
Anika - Papa... Promise me you had to pick me up... You won't leave me again papa...
Harsh - No sweetheart... Pinky promise papa will be there and pick you up... Anika... You had to let everything go... Forgive everyone...
Anika - Haan papa.. Promise... Papa did you see my baby...
Harsh - Yes sweetheart he so sweet and handsome like you and Shivaay...
Anika - Papa... Shivaay had hurt me so much... And I can't let him have my baby...
Harsh - Anika but he is the father of the baby...
Anika - Yes I know bit if he get married with someone else my baby will get the same fortune like me too papa... Let Mahi and Chandna raise him..
Harsh - Okay... Everything is in your hand Anika... But do you really forgive Shivaay... Forgive him Anika... Let him lived peacefully like he always wanted...
Anika - Hmmm... Okay papa... But I love him it's hurt me so much...
Harsh - Soon everything will be over sweetheart... Now go back to bed and rest... I will be back soon...
[Then Mahi and Chandna trying to awake her...]
Anika - Hmmm...
[She open her eyes slowly...]
Mahi - Anika... Hey... Congrats my little sister you had a boy... Shivaan is here...
Anika - Hmmm... He so handsome and look Chandna... I can't give her my milk until he is 2 years just only now... Let me feed him for last time... Mummy love you Shiv... Drink baby... Mahi did you bring the bottle for taking my milk... For a few month until he is 6 or 7 month you both can give him my milk then Chandna it's your turn to take care of him...
Mahi - Yes Anika...
Anika - Chandna help me...
[Chandna help Anika for them to keep the milk for the baby... When they all finish Mahi keep it in the small freezer and takes Shivaan on his hand... The baby sleeping peacefully in his embrace...]
Chandna - Anika... Are you okay?
Anika - Hmmm... I'm sleepy and tired Chandna... Chandna.. Thank you so much for helping me... And please take a good care of my baby... Mahi bhaiyya you too... I know that I don't have enough time like before Chandna...
Chandna - Anika your hand so cold then before...
Anika - I know... Chandna... My Papa meet me just now Chandna.. And we will be together soon... He said he will pick me here... He won't ever leave me...
[Gauri, Omkara, Rudra and Shivaay walk in the room but then he stop at the door...]
Gauri - Didi...
Anika - Gauri... Omru...
Omkara - Bhabhi... 😭
Rudra - Bhabhi... 😭
Anika - Hmmm... I hope that I was still your bhabhi... But I'm not anymore...
Rudra - No you are still our favorite bhabhi...
Omkara - Yes Anika you are our only bhabhi...
Anika - Hmmm... Gauri... Take care of yourself and Om... Please I leave Gauri with you Om... Please take a good care of your marriage life and with Gauri too... Don't let anyone or anything to disturb your marriage life Gauri... Don't be like me... Om please protect my little sister... Loving a person that doesn't appreciate your love and yourself in his life is useless for me just like me... It's end just like me..... And most importantly get bless on both of your laws Gauri... Love you sister so much... 😘
[Shakti, Dadi, Tej, Jhanvi, Pinky and lastly Shivaay walk inside...]
Dadi - Anika puttar... How are you beti?
Jhanvi - Anika...
Shakti - My daughter Anika...
Tej - Anika beti...
Anika - Hmmm... Good... Just a bit hard to breathe... 😖
[Anika just nodded her head and she saw Shivaay and Pinky walk in the door...]
Shivaay - Anika...
Anika - Shiv... Shivaay...
Mahi - I told you that you cannot get in...
Anika - It's okay Mahi bhaiyya... Please take my baby out for a while...
Mahi - Okay..
[Shivaay tried to hold her hand but then she pulls back her hand when she remembers about Tania...]
Shivaay - Anika I'm sorry... I shouldn't have said all of that things to you... I had hurt you so much Anika...
Anika - I forgive you Shivaay... Please go and hope you will be happy with your new life and also with your new wife...
Shivaay - Anika I had misunderstand about everything... And Pinky maa too...
Pinky - Anika I'm sorry...
[Anika takes a deep breath...]
Chandna - Anika.....
Anika - I... I already forgive you Pinky maam... And Shivaay sir... Yes... I was angry because you didn't believe me again... Then I realized I shouldn't fall in love with you Shivaay... None of this will happen... 😭 I thought you will be with me and understand me... But you didn't...
Pinky - Anika I make Shivaay sees a fake video and fake photos of you with Mahi... And you helping me find my other son...
Anika - I had no family Pinky maam... And I know how it's feel for Mahi... But everything that happened is misunderstanding about it...
Shivaay - If that misunderstanding never happen all of this also couldn't happen... And I won't abandon you like this and that son is my son right...
Anika - It's had written in my faith... I'm sorry for being a bad daughter in law for you all... And also a bad wife for you Shivaay... Hmmm yes that's is your son but you can't have him...
Gauri - Didi... Calm down...
Anika - Hmm...I forgive you all... Shivaay... You need to forget me and easy for you to just keep on hating me... Start your new life... Find a new partner that will replace me in your lifes... Shivaan is Mahi and Chandna baby now... You all can look at him but you all had no right to take him away from them... Shivaay... I love you until the last breath of mine and after that too I want to still loves you... Hmmm... But I had no strength to fight all of this things that we been through now... Mmmm... Take care Shivaay... Thank you for giving me love and also hatred to me Shivaay... I hope someone else will fill that part when I as a failure wife had ruin every of your dreams... 😭😭 Hmmm....
[Then Anika looks at the wall behind them... Harsh is there...]
Anika - Hmmm... Papa... You here... Gauri papa is here... You going to pick me papa...
[Harsh nodded his head and smile...]
Anika - Hmmm... Hmmm... Mmmm...
[Anika breathing become shallow and she takes a very deep breath...]
Chandna - Mahi! Mahi!
Gauri - Mahi bhaiyya!
[Mahi comes and sees Anika... Anika hold his hand... Anika tgen hold Shivaan hands she sees his eyes...]
Anika - Take care of my baby... Mummy.. Loves you Shivaan... So much... 😖😖
[Then she closed her eyes and the line on the monitor is straight... And everyone cries badly... 😭😭😭😭😭😭]
Shivaay - Anikaaa!!! You cannot leave me!
Gauri - Didi!

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