"It will take time to settle in again."

"You're right, I know you're right." Liruliniel nodded slowly, her eyes opening and her hands reaching out for a bread roll that was on the table. She simply tore it open and picked at it, not even wishing or wanting to put butter or anything in it. Her appetite felt rather illusive too at the moment. She was only eating this because she felt like she needed to.

"How did you sleep?" Anameleth asked, watching her friend worriedly. Liruliniel wasn't the only one who was acting slightly disjointed and aloof. From what she had observed most were. She hadn't ever fought, she didn't ever hope she had to. But she had seen the aftereffects of fighting, and it wasn't pleasant. The suffering afterwards seemed just as bad as the suffering before the fighting ensued.

Liruliniel smiled her way, "Surprisingly well. But I think that's more down to the fact that I felt exhausted. I still do. But both emotionally and physically. I slept in Thalion's room, Caladhiel was with me but I think she left when she saw I had drifted to sleep." She explained, raising an eyebrow curiously. She should find Caladhiel and thank her for being there, even if nothing really happened. She still found her and made sure she was fine, as fine as could be.

Anameleth watched Liruliniel pick another chunk off the roll and bite into it bitterly. With a sigh, she brushed a hand over her skirts. Removing imaginary dust as she mused over her next words carefully. "It is too soon for me to suggest this, but I am going to throw out the suggestion anyway; if you find yourself growing sad within your own company and wish if for it, I will be here. My quarters are small, but I live alone."

Liruliniel paused eating and stared blankly at the table listening to her. Anameleth finished and swallowed quickly, worried she'd offended her. Liruliniel turned in her seat, one arm staying resting against the table while the other lazily hung in her lap. "Thank you for the offer, my friend. But I cannot leave my home. I can't. But I will take up your offer of company if I feel like I need it." Liruliniel smiled softly, Anameleth didn't look so worried as Liruliniel clasped her spare hand to her shoulder and squeezed it gently. Turning back around, Liruliniel commenced simply eating again. Soon after she bid farewell to Anameleth and left the busy room. It was too loud. Too loud and too close feeling, the air felt hot and heavy and she felt her heart rate picking up again.

Pulling her hood up, she felt safer hiding within the brown folds of soft material with her eyes downcast. She kept her arms simply by her sides as she walked quietly along the corridor, although her boots slowly scuffed against the floor when she came to a stop. Hesitantly her eyes raised and she looked upwards at the throne before her. Seeing it unoccupied for the moment just didn't seem right. She was so used to coming in here and seeing Oropher seated upon the elaborate chair. She was trying to imagine what it would be like to enter the room and see Thranduil up there instead, it felt very strange. She couldn't even lie, it felt very surreal there.

"I'm rather sure we are having the same thought." Liruliniel's eyes raised upwards and to the side. From one of the staircases which led to platforms, which then led elsewhere, Thranduil was just standing looking downwards at her.

"You look how I feel." Liruliniel said while watching him sweep the long trail of his terracotta coloured robe out of the way. Underneath he simply wore a richly coloured tunic and trousers of an almost similar colour, it was slightly lighter but both were seemingly embroided with the finest of details. She tilted her head, he wasn't wearing his signature circlet for once.

Thranduil looked doubtful, yet he didn't comment. However he did reach up and push the hood from her head when he reached her side. She seemed happy to hide in its shadow, however he didn't want to converse with a shadowed visage. He saw what she meant then, she did seem tired, but a deep rooted tired that no amount of sleep was going to shift. Honestly, he had not slept well either.

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