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When most people think light, they think god, or the heavens. Most people don’t think me. But here I am. Lightbringer.

My real name however is K’eon, K’eon Gramhold. Though most people just call me K. They hate my name, to hard to pronounce or something. To rooted to Africa some say. To black other’s will remark. I like it though, it keeps me connected with what’s important in life. My culture, my family, me. So I like it anyways, even if others hate it. I am the hero of the city you are residing in. I am lightbringer, superhero. First ever superhero. Most people wonder where the first guy appeared. Well  I can tell you.

There was a virus long ago. They were looking for a cure. They needed test subjects. They needed people to test it on. So I volunteered. Ya best idea ever. When most people think super heros they think Brooding, rich boys. I’m not like that. I might be a little dramatic, but I don’t brood. I’m the luckiest guy alive! I’m the world’s first super hero, how awesome is that!? I get to save people, have powers, if  anyone thinks that’s troubling, then they don’t know crap.

That’s right my powers. They’re a bit all over the place. I can manipulate light. Which means I can also manipulate electricity, create illusions, change colors even. I can do a lot of things with my abilities, another reason why I’m a bit lucky to have them.

However not everyone thinks so. Many people especially the police fear my to be a menice. I don’t know if it’s cus of my race or what, but they hate me, fear me unstable. Fear me a thug. Feel me to be a felon. So technically I’m more then the world’s first super hero, I’m the world’s first visual anti.


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