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-Do you want to tell your daughter what you did? Or should I?

A simple sentence shouldn't have brought so much pain... and frustration. This, too, was something she should have come prepared for.

Moon took a deep breath. A practiced move of energies, letting the magic flow from her hands back deep into herself. The white haze clouding her vision dissipated slowly.

-Mom? -she heard her daughter's confused voice -what did you do?

This was not how she planned this going.

-Er... first of all -Moon was astounded, not in a good way, to hear herself stutter -this did not go down the way I intended!

-Uh.. I -Star looked away in shock. It took her a second to compose herself and step forward, evening her gaze with Moon's again. Only now Moon Noticed Star was holding Marco's hand this whole time. Finally she thought someone in this mess did something reasonable.

-What do you mean 'intended'? Are you?..

Her daughter's pupils narrowed with disdain and disbelief.

-Are you working for Mina?!

The funny thing, if she told the truth, nobody in the room was probably going to believe her.

-No -she heard herself say in a low sharp voice - Mina's working for me.

Which may or may not be true at this place and time.


-Star, I know it must seem crazy - oh my gosh, how did this turn this crazy -that Mina's working for me...

Please let me explain... Please don't...

-You t-... -Star gasped with fury -YOU TRAITOR!

Fat chance.

Moon watched helplessly, how her beloved daughter pulled a marvelous dip down transformation. With a tinge of pride she noticed how it took Star only a second to swing into an offensive stance.

Thankfully, her reflexes weren't very rusty either. She managed to place a shield in the air right in time to block a bunch of some blueish marine (likely) creatures Star had blasted her in the face. On her right hand, Eclipsa squinted at her in frustration from under her umbrella.

Determination. Concentration. Action. The magic flowed into her veins, shifting Moon into her Butterfly form and summoning her armor. What Star did on sheer talent, Moon had to put years of practice into.

Hopefully, years of practice were going to do some good.

-I know what this looks like, but you have to understand! -she shouted, flying up to Star's level

-Understand what?! - her daughter half-hissed, half-shouted in reply, blasting another swarm of Narwhals with the side of some other stuff at her.

Well, good luck explaining this one, Moon, you old fool. Especially given you have no idea what the hell is going on exactly.

-Mina was already planning to overthrow Eclipsa! -Moon spread her hands to illustrate her helplessness -Trust me, I stopped her from doing far worse!

This was the plan, anyway.

-So you start a revolution behind my back?! -Star launched another round of Narwhals, only this time to the sides, simply out of anger. Is this a good sign?

Wait... behind your back?! You were the one to give up the crown to...

-The one who started this was her! -not risking flaming her fury on Star, who could and would have retaliated, Moon gouged on Eclipsa, ending her shout with a sharp gesture. Good to know: don't gouge on people when you're angry and in Mewberty form. With a short 'Ou!' Eclipsa barely dodged a pulse of blue energy escaping Moon's hand and striking the floor where she stood a second ago.

Malediction (A Star vs the Forces of Evil Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant