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Mom where are you you've been gone for like two week and I can't take  care of Valentina and keep up with school🤦‍♀️
                    I'm coming home today actually  and I have a surprise it was sudden but I'm sure you won't mind.

My mom has always only thought about herself and only herself she never cared much for me or Valentina my little sister. We've lived  in New Jersey for all of Valentinas life and most of mine. Our dad left when Valentina was just born and I way 12  it's been 4 years and my mom stopped caring I guess, she used to be the best mom, but it seems like I've been here for Valentina more than her. She's always either at the bar or spending all our saving on a vacation for herself.

She just went went on vacation for 2 weeks longer than she usually is I was a little concerned but it's not like I'm surprised.

"Valentina please get in the bath your dirty" I say to Valentina as she runs around the house naked.

"Nah nah nah" she says yelling

I finally catch her and put her in the bath

I hear a knock on the door and I go down to get it. Who could it be tho?

I open it and there's my mom and a...man

"Hey sweetie" my mom says like nothing is new

"Mom who's that" I say as the man welcomes himself in.

"Well this is Matt Polibio and he has stolen my heart" my mom says falling into his arms

(I actually don't know mattias dads name so yeah)

"Get you and Valentinas stuff packed we are moving in with him" she says with a smile as big as the moon tilted

"What the hell mom why didn't you tell me about this" I say with pure anger in my eyes

She straightens her face and says " I don't have to tell you about anything honestly, I could have left you but I didn't do get packed up"

I run upstairs and get Valentina out of the bath and put on some clothes for her. Then I start packing our stuff crying with her sitting in my lap.

We go downstairs and my mom says "don't bring anything else just your clothes and close items this is still our house we're just moving out" she says not caring at all what I think about this

"what about school mom" I say concerend

" Well I already called them and dropped you out, you going to a new school called(whatever school Mattia goes too) high" 

"Omg I don't know anyone there" I start crying a little but she doesn't care.

Valentina go over to the counter and Matt see her and streamers talking to her.

"Hi little one you'll love our dog Chico" he says nicely

He seems nice but like how could he like a witch like my mom

Okay guys this chapter is done I'm sorry it's kinda short but I have a lot planned for the next chapter tell me what you think and the other one will probably go up tmmrw bye till then luviesss😌❤️


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