Part II

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Man, life couldn't get any crazier for us right now. I went from celebrating my approaching graduation to sitting in a fucking hospital, not knowing if my best friend was okay. I could not believe that somebody had the audacity to even lay hands, knowing that our family is ruthless. Whoever that dumb didn't even know he signed his own death certificate. I had my head in my hands when somebody sat beside me. I smelled the Guilty Gucci cologne before he sat down. "Little ma, you okay?" said the same baritone I heard earlier today. I looked up into the most beautiful pair of eyes I had ever seen. It was the handsome guy I bumped into earlier at school. He looked the same really, with a more than a twinkle of concern in his eyes. I'm usually not a trusting person but something about him made me want to tell my whole life. "I'm okay, just worried about my cousin. This is the only family I have left" I choked out. Tears silently rolled down my face as I thought about my own family. I had no one left but aunt and uncle and cousins. I cursed the person who thought they could play God and take my parents away. The handsome guy came around and sat next to me and held me as I broke down in tears. "Listen ma, I don't know how close you guys are or what happened, but I do know that God always has a plan. And this right here is a step in your plan. "he said. I looked at him and nodded my head while wiping my tears. "I know, I know. I'm good but whoever did about to feel the wrath of this family. God forgives but I don't" I spat out. I got up and walked over to Kay and another handsome guy who I assumed was Jus. "Aye, Kay. We need to call Unc and rally up the squad. It's about to rain and thunder in this bitch." I said. Kay's eyes turned a shade of black that only saw the light when she was angered or threatened. "Sayless," she spoke. She turned to Jus and looked him in the eye and tilted her head. "Does your brothers know who this did?" she asked. Jus stood up and stood well over several inches taller than Kay. "I'm not sure, but I do know that we will def help you guys out with this.' he stated, looking directly at Kay into her eyes. I could sense something brewing there but I kept my mouth shut and just smiled to myself. I couldn't be concerned with that at the moment, seeing as how we needed to figure out who did this to Jaylen. I was upset that nobody was there to help Jay when she needed us. I also shook my head knowing that if Jay was sin trouble, she would not have called us first. Jay was very independent and felt like she needed nobody for anything. As I was sitting there deep in my thoughts, a hand sat atop my shoulder. I looked up into those eyes that have surprisingly been calming me down at this moment. I smiled and welcomed him a seat next to me. "I know it has been crazy, but I'm Kash. It is nice to meet you." I spoke. He smiled at me, and with that I noticed two deep dimples on the sides of his cheek. Dimples that I could see myself getting lost in along with those eyes. "It's nice to meet you Kash. I'm Kaide. And those are my brothers, Jus and Jordan." he pointed to the tall men that was in the waiting room. There was definitely a family resemblance, seeing as all three of them had the same deep dimples. I looked over at him and felt a such a concerned glaze on my face. This was the second time I saw him give me that glaze and I wondered if he felt sorry for us or was there something underlying. "Are you okay, shorty? I saw you in deep thought and thought maybe you wanted to talk." he asked. I didn't know him well enough to know that he could be trusted but on the other hand, I felt such a connecting spirit flow between us that I thought I could trust him with my all. Connections like that are dangerous in my world because at any given moment, somebody could take that weakness for granted. And I could not afford mishaps because of trusting the wrong person. I simply looked at Kaide and nodded. "I'm okay at the moment. Thanks for asking." I said while putting my head down. It was silent for a moment before I heard his voice reach my ears. "You don't trust me and that's cool, ma. But I just want to ease ya heart right now." he whispered. I lifted my head and met his smile with one of my own. Right before I was about to respond, Kay and Jus walked over. "Let's go so we can see if we can find out what happened to Jay." she said. I got up and followed her and the boys out. Jus stopped to speak to their other brother, Jordan. "We going hunting. You coming?". Jordan looked at the doors where doctors were coming in and out. "Naw, I think I'ma stay here with shorty to make sure she's okay, ya know." he said. I studied his face and saw the same look Jus was giving Kay a few moments ago. He seemed concerned for Jay, but maybe it was just the kindness in his personality. Jus smiled and dapped him up. "Aight, we'll check in with ya in a little, bro." he said before heading out with Kay. Kaide did the same before I followed him out the door. I don't know what we would find but all I know is that somebody had to pay for hurting my sister. And they would pay dearly...maybe with their life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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