Nano's home

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„Hey, baby", I opened the door to see Ander in front of our apartment and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

We would meet up with Lu and Guzman for dinner. And since mom was home, too, she wanted to get to know him for the first time. She called it „check him out" but since we've been together for so long, there was no need to check him out anymore.

„Hi, señora Domínguez. I'm Ander", my boyfriend gave my mom his hand politely so she put away her cigarette but laughed.

„Chico, I'm not one of those rich, conceited moms who wash their hands after touching someone else or scare away their daughter's boyfriend. As long as you don't hurt my Emilia we're fine."

I was scared to see Guzman because I hated myself for not telling him about what we know. We wanted to tell him badly, but how? And when was the right time? Ander persuaded me to not say a word about it. After all, Polo would have almost died today. He didn't want to increase the risk that Polo might really hurt or even kill himself. Well, we didn't talk about this but Ander drank enough wine to make everyone realize that something's going on.

When Lu and Guzman had a short discussion and when we were about to leave, Guzman followed us.

„Hey, if you two keep on bottling up your problems, you're not going to be okay", he stopped us by holding Ander's arm.

„How would you know what's wrong", Ander replied coldly.

„I just want it to be like it used to be. Polo, you two and I. I don't want anything else."

Ander was fast and left but I stayed for a minute to look into Guzman eyes making me feel even worse, guiltier.

„I'm sorry, Guzman, we'll talk to you soon."

„We're really very angry", Ander spoke to Polo when we visited him.

My first instinct was to leave him alone, to never ever talk to him again. But Ander reminded me of what happened in the morning. We saved him from drowning, from dying. And all that I could feel when I saw his unconscious body was fear, fear of losing my friend. I didn't remember the bad things that he's said or done, I thought about our good times. So it was easy for Ander to persuade me to look after Polo after leaving the restaurant.

„It's unfair of you that you've pulled us in this with you, too", he sighed, I let him talk, „But we're friends. I don't want you to make more mistakes.

„Thank you. It's been an accident, Ander, Em."

An accident? It might be an accident if you slip and fall down. How would his action be an accident? How could he even think of justify himself?

„You don't bash someone's head in by accident", Ander said exactly what I thought, „But I believe you when you say that you didn't want this to happen. You've lost control."

„I wish I could turn back the hands of time."

„But there's something that we can do. Right now someone's rotting in jail because of a crime that he hasn't committed - until the judicial hearing at least. How much money can you withdraw from your bank account?"

„Do you have to ruin everything?", Samu yelled at Nano in the locker room in school after Nano came to school almost provoking a fight between Guzman and himself.

„Do you talk to me as if I was a murderer now, too?", he shouted back at Samu and I.

He looked angry but I knew that he was disappointed on the inside. Everything that the three of us ever wanted was a strong family. But our dads left and when Nano had been arrested for the first time, it was pretty clear that we're never going to be a family without any serious problems.

„You're causing chaos! Go home now and don't even leave the apartment to buy stupid bread."

„You're still searching for evidence against the little marquesa, right?"

„Wait", I interrupted my brothers, „Carla? What does Carla have to do with this?"

„I solve this my way and if you screw things up again, everything is going to be heading south."

„Damn, Samu."

„Nano, I've got no idea what's going on here but Samu is right", I laid my hand on his shoulder softly, „Do what he says, go home. I know that it's not easy but you have to stay calm."

„Where did you get the money from?", Nano looked at Samu and I interested when we came home.

„Well, I don't know. Samu paid the rest of what we still needed", I wondered, too.

„I've got a new job", he replied easily so we knew that something was wrong.


„I make deliveries from one place to another."

„What kind of deliveries?"

„I don't ask questions about that."


„That's nothing that concerns the two of you."

„Listen, I haven't asked questions, too, when I made my mistakes and you see what I look like now. But it's alright, I'm out now. I'm here with you, my family. So whatever you're doing, you'll stop that immediately. Smart money makes you become more addicted than heroine. And that's why you're going to quit that job."

„Mamá says you hang out a lot with the girl that is throwing the party. Is there something going on between you?", Nano and I were working on Samu's costume.

I chuckled, „I wish it was. Rebe is pretty cool, a tough girl with a good heart."

„How do you mean that?"

„If you're playing playstation together. What do you think?"

„Yeah, sometimes we play playstation, too, sure", Samu acted as if he didn't know what we meant, „But we mostly box."

„You box?"


„That kind of making out is something that I didn't even see in prison."

„We're just friends."

„Yeah, and our dads still live with us", I rolled my eyes ironically, „She likes you."

„Friends and business partners? But she's not a friend of-"

„No, mind your own business", Samu stopped him harshly.

„Samu, we're just worried about you", I furled my eyebrows confused.

„That's a little late."

„I just don't want a woman to get you in trouble-"

„Stay calm, I'm not like you."

„Hopefully, you're not. You know, it wasn't Marina's fault. Maybe you're right when you say that I mess with everyone's life. I'm sorry, you two."

„She lives in her house, Marina's house. In the beginning, it was hard to go there but now it's okay."

„Good, we're done here. Perfect, have fun."

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