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It was summer. Oh, warm summer. The heat was scorching, the sun was rising, and people were literally everywhere. It wasn't hard to tell that majority of the people enjoyed this specific season so much. But Elsa was not part of that majority of likeness for the season. There was not much to say about how she felt about summer — she loved fall and winter out of all things, there was only something in contrary about summer for her.

Maybe it was the sweaty bodies that she could navigate in the crowd while she ventured out looking for her younger sister, Anna, who decided partying at an obnoxious rate in the morning was her best idea. Elsa had not much of a choice instead of looking out for her, it wouldn't be an impossible situation because Anna was a distinctive person in the crowd. She was the life of the party most of the time either way, it would not be too difficult to find her.

“Uh, excuse me,” Elsa said politely, brushing past a couple that had no sense of personal space.

Elsa let out a sigh of relief once her eyes landed on Anna who was holding up a glass of wine up high in the air as she was dancing to the beat ringing out through the beach. The older sister ran up to her, apologising to every body that she bumped along the way in her means of approaching Anna.

“Hey—” Elsa tried to greet Anna over the loud music that continued to boom from the several speakers on stage.

“Elsa! Finally,” Anna said with a hiccup. Since when did she get drunk? Elsa wondered but she shook off the question and focused more on the need to stay home for the time being.

“You are out of your shell,” Anna slurred with a sly smile.

Elsa chuckled, draping one of Anna's arms loosely around her neck. “I came to find you. Why are you out so early? It's barely nine.”

“What? I can't have fun?” Anna joked and Elsa just brushed her off with a quick smile, she was assured that her younger sister was all right even under the influence of alcohol. Elsa wouldn't be lying if she said she was not the least bit worried that her sister has somehow been finding herself drink lately. Although it was not much, just in the right amount — Elsa hoped. The adulthood was, in fact, enticing in its own way.

Anna held onto Elsa like a child who just found their mother in the market.

“Can you, um, maybe hold a bit tighter? Because your hands are cold and that's what I need—” A short pause, “—coldness.”

Elsa obeyed and tried to get her and her sister out of the dancing crowd without any much trouble from there. It took a minute before they eventually reached the road where the Range Rover was parked with the rest of the vehicles owned by those that attended the overpopulated beach concert.

Anna tripped at the attempt of climbing up to the passenger seat, but with the help of Elsa she was able to settle in precariously with her body situated on the seat.

“Thanks,” Anna mumbled with a groan when her face landed on the leather.

Elsa smiled. “No problem. Now we're off to home.”

“Oh, and by the way, just tell me if you would ever feel ill along the way. By then, we will have to make a stop somewhere,” Elsa hinted with a short laugh that followed through and Anna caught the hint well enough even with alcohol content in her body. It was something that Elsa would get used to, she hope not for an eternal life, though.

The drive home was drastically... risky. Between the two sisters, it was usually Anna who drove and not Elsa despite being the sister who seemed regal in most ways. But there seemed to be no debate when they were asked whoever the experienced driver was between them; it was Anna. There were countless moments that Elsa would get a parking ticket, or she would often be pulled up by an officer on the road.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 21, 2020 ⏰

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