Chapter 12

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The ground around us starts to shake as a giant hole forms in the floor. Jay slowly starts ascending the hole and Jimin and Yoongi rush to our side.

"Looks like this might be our last fight huh?" Jimin says chuckling lightly as his hair changes from brown to white.

I nod softly. "Possibly." My hair color changes from black to red and my fangs come out.

I then look back at Jungkook and Yoongi. "Stay safe. And be careful both of you."

"Tae what's- "

"Ah, Jungkook so you finally decided to give in, why don't you come here." Jay walks forward and me and Jimin growl.

"Go near any of them and I swear I will kill you." I say as I start to levitate.

"Oh, poor Taehyung. You know you can't kill me." He then uses his speed and appears in front of me and before I could block, he throws me into a wall.

"TAEHYUNG!" I hear Jungkook scream. I stand up and look over to Jimin who seems to be blocking everything Jay throws at him.

I use the chance to speed in front of Jay and send a flying kick to his face sending him across the room while Jimin jumps back.

"Nice one Tae." I hear Jimin say.

I nod as Jay stands and growls. Then his wings come out and he speeds towards me and Jimin.

"HERE HE COMES!" I shout then I breathe out fire to cause a diversion. When he comes to me, he smirks and grabs Jimin from above him by his leg.

"You gotta be smarter than that." He throws Jimin at me and both of us go flying through the wall.

"Damnit that hurt." Jimin whines and I nod.

I look over at Jungkook and Yoongi and they're standing there with their eyes closed as they start to glow a little.

"Jimin." I call out while standing.

"I know." He then sends a light ray blinding Jay for a moment and then we use the opportunity to close in on him placing our hands on his chest and blowing him through a wall.

Jimin lands next to me and we both look at each other. "Is it over?"

I shake my head, and we hear him chuckle as he slowly gets up, horns coming out of his head. "You know better than to ask that as if things were easy mochi."

He laughs sheepishly and I shake my head.

"Since I want to get this over quickly and Jungkook will be a demon either way let's finish this." Jay says as he comes at us again, but before he could get to us a gush of wind pushes him back.

Me and Jimin get up to see Yoongi and Jungkook both standing in front of us.

They turn around and I'm surprised to see that their eyes seemed to glow and they each have a different pattern going from their neck to their right arms.

"It's been a while since we had to do this, sorry we're late guys." Jungkook says and looks at Jay with a glare.

Me and Jimin stand next to them. "Let's do this." Yoongi says.

Jungkook and Yoongi run towards Jay while me and Jimin wait for an opening. Jungkook is the first to make a move as he throws a punch. Jay blocks but the force of it sends him back. Before he could do anything Yoongi kicks his side sending him flying into a wall.

Then they both hold their hands out each letting out wind that seemed to slice, since he had cuts on him that were healing rapidly. But, nevertheless, I'm impressed with their teamwork.

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