Chapter 10

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When we get to the café Jungkook gets out of the car happily. I chuckle lightly then get out and grabs his hand before walking in.

When we go in, we go to the counter to order.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" The lady at the cash register says.

"Hello, I would like some sugar cookies and a chocolate milkshake." Then I look at Jungkook. "What about you babe?"

He blushes, "I would like a vanilla cupcake and a strawberry milkshake."

The lady nods. "Okay that'll be five dollars."

I nod and pay for the food, then we go sit down in one of the booths.

"Hey Tae" I hear Jungkook call out.


"Thank you." He then lays his head on my shoulder.

I smile and lay my head on top of his. "No need to thank me." Then one of the waiters comes back with our food.

"Here you guys go. Oh Jungkook, long time no see." The boy smirks.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Go away Mark." And I start to think what happened between these two.

"Oh, come on, you still can't be a baby about what happened back in high school huh?"

Jungkook's body temperature rises and he starts to shake his leg violently.

"And you must be his new boyfriend. I'm Mark, his ex." Bingo, I look over at Jungkook who looks like he's ready to burst, then he lets out a breath and slowly stands up, standing in front of Mark.

"You gonna hit me pretty boy. I beat you once. What makes you think- "Before he could finish his sentence Jungkook. Punches him in the face knocking him down and causing everyone in the café to gasp.

"Your gonna pay for that you little shit." Then Mark gets up and tries to punch Jungkook, but he blocks it and knees him in the side before punching him again. But this time the punches don't stop. Jungkook has nothing but rage in his eyes as he continues punching. So, this is his strength. Well I don't want to make him angry.

I pull Jungkook off Mark as the staff rushes out.

"WHAT THE HELL IS- Jungkook?" Yoongi walks out as he sees me holding Jungkook back and Mark unconscious on the floor.

He then smirks and shakes his head. "Damn Jungkook, I haven't seen this side of you in a while."

He shrugs as I let go of him. "He did it to himself."

Yoongi looks at me with seriousness in his face. "Get Jungkook out of here and calm him down. I'll handle this one." He says pointing to Mark. I nod and grab Jungkook's wrist since his knuckles are bloody and pull him out.

Once were out, I sigh and get Jungkook into the car. He looks down at his hands and lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm sorry tae, I messed things up."

I shake my head and take his hands, then start to heal them. "You didn't mess things up, but I do want to know what he was talking about. Wanna go to the park?"

He nods but stays silent. I nod then drive off to the park close to home.

Once were there we get out and I grab Jungkook's hand. We spend some of our time walking around then Jungkook speaks up.

"Back in high school well no my whole life I was known as what you call a bad boy, I guess. I was very cool, and everyone wanted to be my friend. All the girls and some boys wanted to date me. But every relationship I was in was always the same. I was always the one who would give my all while the other person wouldn't even try in the relationship. So, I stayed away from dates for a while. But no matter what anyone needed they knew they could come to me. Weather it was beating someone up for bullying or help with homework, I was there. But during my last year of high school, something changed."

"Is that when Mark showed up?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah. He came and for some reason he would not leave me alone. He kept trying to become close to me and 'win my heart' as he would say. Well eventually he did. He was the first to show me he really cared, he would buy me stuff and give me affection all the time. Slowly I became soft. Don't get me wrong I was still there for everyone but since I devoted most of my time to him sometimes, I couldn't help. Further on into our relationship he started getting abusive and cheating."
Hold on why didn't he just leave him?

"If you're wondering why I didn't leave him. It's because he was the first person to make me feel so special, so naturally I was wrapped around his finger. He would hit me, and I would just let it happen, still to this day I am mad at myself for letting it get that far. I tried to fight back once but at the time, I wasn't strong enough. I couldn't bring myself to let my feelings go. So, I would go to school with cuts and bruises and not tell anyone what happened. I would occasionally write Yoongi though, so that I could let out my feelings. When high school ended, I broke up with him and disappeared for a while. I never saw him again, until today. Sometimes I think to myself 'what did I do?' other times I feel I deserved everything that happened to me." I didn't know how mad I was until my wings started showing. Jungkook looked over at me and I took a deep breath and made them go away.

"You didn't deserve any of that. He used you and made you feel useless. He deserved to be beat unconscious." I say with a small smile and he laughs.

"I don't really like getting like that. It kinda scares me." He then stops and looks over towards the swings before leading me to them.

"It is surprising I'll give you that. You look like a little bunny, but you're capable of that." We get to the swings and he sit on one.

"Let's swing." He says smiling. I smile and sit on the other one and we spend the rest of the day swinging and playing on the playground.

When it got dark, we went back home. We then took showers and cuddled in my room. "Hey Jungkook, guess what."

"What?" He asks.

"I have an elephant on my body." I smile and sit up showing him my arm. "See I have two dots and when I squeeze my arm like this." I pinch my arm. "It looks like an elephant."

Jungkook giggles. "I have an elephant on my thigh." He rolls up his shorts and does the same.

I smile and laugh lightly. "Awesome."

Jungkook then yawn.

"Let's sleep kookie. We need rest to meet the other members tomorrow." I lay down and he lays in my arms.

"Goodnight tae."

"Goodnight Jungkook."

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