Chapter 1

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up due to my phone ringing, when I looked at the screen and it was my friend Jimin, after debating to myself I answered it.

"Hello" my voice was raspy since I was woken up.

"Hey Tae- were you sleeping, you do know it's like 4 in the afternoon." He laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Sleep is important." I say groggily.

" Oof yeah, hehe. Hey, I'm gonna come over tomorrow. I've been bored and need someone to bug," I hear him chuckle then continue, "Is that okay?"

I shrug then mentally facepalm knowing he can't see me. "Yeah sure, that's alright with me."

"Yay! Alright well I'm gonna go now but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow, see ya mochi."

"Bye Taetae." Then I hung up.

I get up and go to the bathroom to do my normal routine then go downstairs to drink some coffee.

Once the coffee is done, I make a cup then go back upstairs to get dressed, deciding to go for a drive.

Once I was dressed and finished my coffee, I grabbed my keys and left.

As I drove around observing random things. I then noticed something or someone laying on the sidewalk. I pulled over to where the person was. As I was about to get out, I wondered why I wanted to help this person.

Finally, I decided to get out and walk up to the person. When I crouch down, I notice that the person is a male and he seems to be beaten up. I bite my lip and pick him up, then I put him in my car and drove home.

When I got home, I brought him in then laid him on the couch. I placed my hand over his chest and concentrated as I healed his wounds.

When I was finished, I took the time to admire his features. He looked young maybe about 18, I wondered why he was beaten up on side of the road and who would do that to him. He was very cute, I gently brushed his forehead moving his bangs out of his face.

As I did this I sighed and stood up, covering him up with a blanket. I just hoped that I didn't get too attached to this person. I don't just stop and pick up a random stranger for no reason. Something made me stop...but what?

Just as I turned around, I heard a faint voice.


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