Quirk 13: Origami

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Quirk Type: Emitter

Quirk Description:
This one is based on Konan of Naruto series.

- Manipulate paper as the user requires like folding, crushing, etc.
User can also shoot the paper sharp cuts to the target.
- Can transform the paper into any known origami object from memory. It can be like anything including paper plane, shuriken, kunai, blowguns, etc.
- With enough training of origami skill, objects can be made with sharp edges that can easily penetrate exposed skin.

- Being paper cannot induce cuts on strong skins like rock, metals, etc.
- Need to remember origami details to replicate it.
- Cannot be used if there is no paper.
- Not possible to use while in rain or strong winds.

Super Move:
- Ninja Barrage
The user transforms all the paper it has into sharp ninja objects like shuriken, kunai, cylindrical darts for blowgun, and hit the enemy with all of them. Since after this, the user has no paper around them, cannot use their quirk.

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