Kulya: too much self absorbed aren't we? But how did you know I was gloomy?

Neha: It's my hidden talent. Why will I spill it out to you?

Kulya: You're crazy, you know that right?

Neha: well, not as crazy as Harry bhaiya I'm sure.

Kulya: No one can be as crazy as him on the whole planet

Neha: Now, don't try to change the topic...Why are you gloomy?

Kulya: I think I lost Virat bhai's trust, He won't play me and Yuzi bhaiya together ever again. It was my fault anyway, I couldn't perform as he expected for me and maybe, maybe he is right not giving me another chance.

Neha: don't be daft Kulya.... Virat bhai loves you and I know my Rohirat, you'll play tomorrow. I'm sure.

Kulya: Rohirat?

Neha: Not the point, the point is you'll play tomorrow and play really really well... I'm sure about it.

Kulya: You believe in me too much you know.

Neha: Well, as your true fan and friend that's my right to believe in you and support you, even when you don't believe in yourself.

Kulya: Fan huh, I wish then I won't disappoint you.

Neha: You won't Kulya...don't think much about tomorrow. Sleep.

Kulya: You too, it's late Goodnight Neha

Neha: Goodnight Kulya.


Neha's believe seemed to have come true the next day. Kulcha were in the team and Neha was jumping in joy. The whole world can go to hell now. The whole match she was mimicking Virat Kohli leaping 3 feets above ground in joy each time Kulcha took a wicket. Her face turning as red as Virat's when the Aussies were sledging her Kulya and she celebrated in a true Virat Kohli fashion when India won the match because India's magical spin duo were back in form.

"I thought you loved Rohit bhai more" Siri taunted Neha totally amused by her display of emotions during the whole match.

"I do" Neha admitted not knowing why Siri was speaking like this now.

"Well, you were channeling your inner Virat Kohli during the whole match so I was wondering if only you also mentioned ben stokes once the transformation would have been complete." Siri drawled and Neha scowled.

But before she could retort too Siri's totally baseless claims, her phone started vibrating with an incoming call.

Neha stared at her phone with wide eyes for few minutes before she hastily whispered an "Excuse me" to Siri and rushed outside to answer the call.

Siri suspiciously narrowed her eyes at Neha's rushing figure. After few minutes, Neha returned back to her room with a gloomy face and Siri couldn't help but ask her concerned "What happened? Who called?"

"Nothing, it was mom" Neha answered in a tone that clearly stated that she didn't want to talk much on this topic and so, Siri didn't probe her much too.

They again started debating over what they'll eat in dinner for no way in hell. They were eating the inedible radioactive sludge their hostel passed as food under any circumstances. Finally, Siri decided to order egg rolls, momos and rice fry not taking in the suggestions of Neha. When Siri was ordering the food Neha messaged her congratulations to Kulya.

Kulya: Thank you, my lucky charm

Neha: no need of buttering here.

Kulya: But I'm serious 

The social media mishap chronicles Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon