"Okay, I'm done," I pat his shoulder and we head off the floor. Hiei is ignoring some girl trying to flirt with him and Cam is flirting with a girl at the bar.

"Back off." I snap at the girl "that's my stalker boy." Little did she know I was helping her out. I wasn't sure what was sharper, Hiei's sword or his words.

"You've got two of them, sweetie, why don't you share?" She stumbled forward and nearly threw me off balance with the unexpected weight I shove her back to her feet.

"my pretty boy and My stalker boy." I point to each of them.

"what about me?" Cam chose that moment show up.

"pain in my butt." I answered. I swear I saw Hiei smile. Kurama spared a chuckle.

"Three of them, see girl, you can spare one." She latched onto Hiei again. I tried to control my temper when she grabbed his head and pressed his face into her bossom.

"I like my men short!" She howled

"Get off him!" I shoved her back into the wall. My fist raised and caught in Kurama's hand. Hiei did not need my protection, she wasn't actually going to hurt him, she's just drunk.

"You crazy bitch." She yelled at me, I shook her and shoved her onto the ground, letting my temper get the best of me for just a moment.

"get out of here before I change my mind." I tug on my hand but I know it's only free because Kurama let it go. I grabbed my diet coke and sucked it down.

"Come on." Cam grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the floor,

"boundaries" I snap at him when he reaches to put his hands on me.

"Alright, sheesh." He obliged me though and kept a good distance.

As the night went on and the lights strobed and the music blared and I think I sang a few times and then I got dizzy and Cam disappeared and then some guy was holding me up.

"Hey baby girl." His breath burns my ear.

"Get off." I shoved at him but my arms felt like jelly, my legs didn't want to work.

"should've watched your drink better." He chuckled.

"no," I shoved at him. "stop it." Why does this always happen to me! I screamed inside because even my mouth was failing to form words.

"Hiei!" I tried to call out, maybe he left, maybe he can't hear me. I'm alone.

Help me, please, Hiei, Kurama Panic set in. these hands on me, pulling me along.


"What do you think you're doing with her?"

Hiei? Despite the charm on her I can still hear her projected thoughts

"My girl had a little too much to drink." The guy is an absolute bafoon, large and carrying Nuni off with ease. What's her problem, she's falling asleep.

"That is not your girl." I growled. "you disgusting creature, set her down and I won't slit your throat, although nothing is going to save you from a proper beating." I cracked my knuckles.

"This is why humans should be eradicated." I growled. Their own kind and mine they are the evil ones.

"Oh, look at that, you're taking too long." To him I disappear, but I'm moving so slowly it's painful, I slam him into the wall and catch Nuni before she hits the ground.

Kill him My mind screams at me. Kill him

"you're lucky I've made a promise not to kill you weak humans." I slam him into the wall again and toss him into the garbage cans.

My Demon Escorts (Hiei x OC)Where stories live. Discover now