Game Change

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The Clan Leader of Vargas has found his mate.

I knew Iola was talking, but I couldn't make out what she was saying, those words were echoing so loudly in my head.

"Lio. Lio."

I started as she gave my shoulder a gentle but firm shake. 

"Sorry." I said, finding my voice and glad that it was steady. 

"You look as poleaxed as he did." She said, smiling at me. "He couldn't speak for quite a while. One of those classic mate discovery moments."

"You saw it?" 

"We all did." She lifted up the hem of her robes as we came to the stairs and began climbing up to our chambers. "If you'd stayed a moment longer, you would have too. He came in just as you left and you could see it on his face. Classic." She shook her head, smiling. "It never gets old, seeing that look of wonder, the joy, the emotion."

"No." I said softly. "It's a big moment."

"For him and for Vargas both." She agreed. "He is much respected in the Clans, but there are those who have been skeptical, him being the youngest Clan Leader in centuries. Being mated will improve his standing, silence the detractors. And the Vargans have naturally been waiting for this, the Clan Leader's mate leads the Clan alongside him after all. They'll be ecstatic now that it's happened. Expect celebrations tonight." I inclined my head at her, just as we reached our chambers. "Thanks to this, I have a few hours free till the next meeting, what say we get to work on that draft?" She looked enquiringly at me.

"I will be with you shortly, my Lord." I agreed, waiting until she'd entered her chambers before stepping into mine and shutting the door quietly.


He has a mate.

I exhaled.

Our liaison was officially over.

From the start, this had been destined to be short lived - initially, because of the distance and then because of who he was. But now there was a third reason, one that put an immediate end to it. 

This was quite par for the course, with Clan being as fond of company as we were. There was always the chance that the person you were warming sheets with would find their mate, and when they did, you bowed out gracefully and moved on. 

Which is what I would do now.

I knew how this went, I'd been through this before with one or two other lovers. 

But I also knew that I'd miss this one, more than I had the others. 

Well, you were going to keep it platonic anyway. Now you won't have to worry about being careful around him for the rest of this visit or about the extra time you're spending here. And anyway, this had been due to end when the Congress closed. If ever you needed a clear sign from the gods, this is it.

I stepped out onto the balcony, letting the faint windrush ruffle my hair as I closed my eyes briefly.

Funny how things go. I went to our last rendezvous intending to end things, but didn't - and now they really have. 

That last meeting really was the last for us.

It's for the best.

He had his life, his world and now his mate. 

And I would return to my life and my world.

And at some point, the memory of those ocean eyes would fade.

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