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There was a quiet, still serenity about the lake in the early morning, the sky above it a mix of colours as night faded into sunrise and only the occasional birdcall to interrupt the silence as night wildlings retreated before the day wildlings woke.

I trailed my bare feet in the clear, cold waters of the lake, watching the shadows of small fish under the ripples. The morning dew was wet on the grass under my fingers and there was something soothing about sitting here, on this little outcropping nestled among the trees, tucked away from the world.

And I definitely needed soothing.

I had finally managed to doze off on the balcony the previous night, but it had been a disturbed, uneasy slumber and I'd woken, still tired, hours before the sun rose. My restlessness had seen me making my way out to the lake, but I'd skirted the usual meeting place for the moment and walked until I'd found this spot, where I'd watched the sky change colours slowly and listened to the sounds of the earth rather than my own inner dialogue for a change.

My head ached dully with the sheer volume and weight of my thoughts. But here, amid this peace, I had a temporary reprieve, the whole thing receding to the back of my mind and I could almost imagine the events of the past few days had all been a bad dream. 


As I closed my eyes, feeling the slight breeze on my skin, I had to smile a little at the irony. I'd managed to avoid relationship drama pretty much all my life - and now this. About as dramatic as you could get.

Backfired, and then some. The Clan gods are probably hooting with glee as they get their revenge.

"Penny for your thoughts."

I opened my eyes immediately at the softly spoken words. 

He was standing a short distance away, looking down at me, a gentle smile on his face. I felt the impact again and was glad I was already sitting down because the combination of that scent and those eyes had my knees a little weak.

"Don't." He said, as I made to get up. He crouched and then sat on the grass where he was, leaning against a tree and adjusting himself so that we were facing each other. 

"So." He smiled at me. "Your thoughts."

"I was just thinking that the gods are having a field day." I replied, a faint smile on my lips, trying to ignore the strange clenching in my stomach. That damned bond was kicking in big time. 

He chuckled softly but didn't say anything, looking out at the lake. I took the opportunity to look him over, noting the shadows around his eyes, the pale pallor of his skin, the lines of strain on his face.

"Trouble sleeping, I take it." I said quietly. He turned his head to meet my gaze.

"Just worried about my mate." He said softly. My stomach clenched again in reaction. "How are you?"

I shrugged awkwardly, uncomfortable with his concern.

"Overthinking all night, Wolfman." He chided gently, a smile touching his lips. "What am I to do with you?"

"Can you blame me?" I asked, a tad drily. "This isn't exactly minor."

"Which is exactly why we need to give it time." He looked at me intently. "Rather than diving in and becoming mired in a thousand worries and thoughts."

"Avoid it, you mean." 

"Give it time, I mean." He emphasised softly. "After all. It is what it is. And we have plenty of time to face it."

I was silent. He made sense - but it didn't make it any better.

"Wolfman." He said quietly. I met his gaze. 

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