Blocked Position

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"Lio." The Guard inclined his head at me, responding to my questioning look by indicating with his hand, "They're in the last chamber."

I nodded my thanks and continued down the corridor, stopping just outside the chamber door for a moment.

You can't put this off any longer, Lio.

I took a deep breath and then opened the door and stepped inside.

"My Lords." I bowed my head to the assembled group, all now familiar faces, who greeted me with warmth and smiles.

All except one.

Alen was staring at me with undisguised shock. 

Well, I guess he's not a fan of the new look...

I met his gaze steadily and inclined my head before looking around at the rest of them and gesturing for them to take their seats.

Get on with the job and ignore him.

"Thank you for coming." I said, closing the door behind me. "Despite the short notice."

"The message indicated some urgency." The most senior representative from the Morin contingent, a female named Soriah, said.

"There have been some developments." I said, then proceeded to give them an update on all that had happened since the last meeting, from our Cai's abduction, to her escape and rescue, to the capture of her abductors, and the discovery of their identities, which had them sitting up straight in their seats.

"Lichorians?" Soriah said, sharply. 

"By Clanmark." I confirmed.

Someone exhaled, while the others exchanged long looks. There was a silence. It wasn't lost on anyone, I was sure, what the implications were. 

"I assume Enarda has notified Lichor." Praeton, a Vargan male with long blonde hair tied back, raised an eyebrow at me.

"We expect their arrival at any moment." I replied. He leaned back in his chair frowning.

"This is trouble." Jonath, another Morinae, said finally. Soriah snorted.

"An understatement, if there ever was one, Jon." She stood up and went to the refreshment table, pouring herself a large goblet of fruit wine.

"It all depends on whether this was a sanctioned order or not." Another Vargan, Hender, said mildly.

"It's Lichor." Praeton gave his Clanmate a speaking look. "Of-course it was sanctioned."

"We don't know that." Hender replied. "Let's not jump to conclusions."

"They will deny it up and down." Soriah said, taking a long drink from her wine before looking around at all of us. "I mean, why would they admit it? That'd be cause for war."

"It wouldn't surprise me if that's what they were looking for." One of the Morin Warriors muttered, as he and Praeton exchanged a look of understanding. "Trouble's been brewing in Lichor for a long time."

"Well, it's for our Leaders to manage, not us." Soriah said. "We need to focus on our next move." She turned to me. "What do you need from us?"

I smiled faintly. I'd always admired Soriah's directness.

"We are glad of your support." I said, bowing slightly to her. "Frankly, we don't know what we need just yet. We are in the midst of dealing with all of this. We just felt that this task force should be kept informed."

"Of-course." Soriah nodded. 

"Do you know," Jonath said, suddenly, "Morin has not had a Rogue incursion since your abduction-release cases started." He looked up at me. I stared at him.

CheckmateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora