♡ Chapter Ten ♡

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I calmly watch them throw Hartman on the sofa carelessly. I don’t attempt to struggle against the man's grip around me and Lizzie, though she herself does. Instead, I glance up to Verna, watching as she meets my empty eyes with a soft and curious expression. It’s baffling as I remain silent and drop my head with tearful green eyes.

“You messed with the wrong family,” Verna tells Hartman coldly with folded arms, causing him to let out a breathy chuckle, clearly still feeling weak as his wounds bleed out.

“Yeah, you’re proud of this goddamn family, huh?”

I frown at the feel of Lizzie reaching for my hand; she gives it a gentle squeeze in an attempt to comfort us both. Though, it fails to offer me any sense of comfort and warmth. Instead, it’s a reminder that Jed is not here to offer me those things. Even if I appreciate her trying.

We are going to die. Then, all this will be over. I won’t have to live with the guilt of not being able to save Jed; the grief he has left me with. I won't have to live without him in my life. That alone makes me want to welcome death with open arms.

I can’t help feeling ready for what awaits me beyond it. I hope to see him again, to be reunited with the man my heart yearns so deeply for. Those ocean blue eyes are missed from my core. I need him.


My heart stills at the sound of the name called, unable to believe me ears as though they are deceiving me. I lift my head to look at Verna in shock and confusion, seeking confirmation of what I believe I have heard but rather than answering me with anything definite, she instead meets my eyes and allows the flicker of a smile to pass by her aged features.

I frown as my brows knit together at the familiar sound of shuffled approaching footsteps. It can’t be. I shake my head and  begin to struggle against the man holding me firmly in place. Not because I wish to escape out of fear but because I need to see him. I want to see that he is alive so I can believe everything my senses are telling me.

I just want to see my Jed. Please.

“Ah fuck!” Hartman says as he looks down the hall opposite him, seeing something or someone I clearly cannot. “This ain't over, boy. Goddamnit! This ain't fuckin' over, ya hear me?!” He shouts with the hint of fear behind his glistening eyes.

Then, it happens. Jed finally enters the room and immediately my breathing hitches.

His sweet face is no longer bloodied or ripped open from the bullet wound. No, it’s been stitched and cleaned almost expertly with a leather jaw brace in place to support his jaw and cheeks in their healing. He looks alive yet pained as I watch him in shock for the moment, my tears spilling freely.

He’s okay. I cover my mouth and let the flicker of a smile pass by my lips while still unable to truly believe that he is alive and standing mere feet from me. I look down to the chainsaw in his hand with a curious tilt of my head. Shit. Realisation dawns on me as my lips tip down once more, forming a firm frown as that bad feeling rising within me.

“Jed? What did I tell you about outsiders? They fill your ears with lies. You show 'em who you are, Jed. Look what that man did to your face. Huh?” I listen to Verna talk to her son and suddenly it all makes sense. She brainwashes them; teaches them that those outside of their immediate family are out to get them, and given Jed’s experience with people recently, it no surprise that he believes her.

His Anchor -Jedidiah Sawyer. (Leatherface)Where stories live. Discover now