♡ Chapter Two ♡

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* Edited *

I wait until it's lights out around the facility before heading for the ECT chamber. Thankfully, Lizzie had decided to tag along after I had told her what Jackson had told me. She seemed eager to find out what he'd been talking about and just as keen as I was to make things better around here.

We silently sneak down to the chamber and into the small room with the two-way mirror. I gasp at the sight that greets us, immediately feeling sick to my stomach. Anger bubbles within me as I watch two members of staff attach some electric shock equipment to Bud’s head. He was clearly afraid of what was to come as he stood strapped to that metal frame.

Lizzie places her hand over her mouth in shock as she also silently watches in disbelief. We watch as Dr. Lang steps into view and close to Bud with a smug expression. “I warned you, Bud, but you wouldn’t listen.” he mutters with a shake of his head.

I clench my fists angrily at his words; he’s enjoying this - he wants this. How could someone be so cruel? I step closer to the glass and watch the whole thing play out.

I honestly want nothing more than to run in the room and pull Bud free of that awful machine. He doesn’t deserve any of this. But I know it will only make things worse, and that is the last thing I want right now.

The burly staff member finishes attaching the equipment and mutters, “come on, Bud, man up. This is for your own good.” I roll my eyes at the bullshit pouring from the man's mouth. What I wouldn’t give just to hook him up to that machine and give him a taste of what it has to offer. It would be a joy, but I can’t.

Instead, I glance to the man strapped to the wheelchair beside the machine, looking just as terrified as I had expected. Isaac simply watches the whole thing from his position in the wheelchair, completely helpless. It makes sense why he lashes out like he does, when the staff do this to him.

This isn't right. This isn't how you treat humans, no matter what they've done.

“You're next, Isaac.” Dr. Lang informs him as he steps up to the switch with a smirk. He glances to the two members of staff and then to Bud, “are we ready?” he asks eagerly, causing the staff members to nod in confirmation. I watch anxiously as his hand reaches for the switch, inching closer and closer towards turning the machine on.

Oh, please, no.

However, before his calloused hand can lift the handle upwards, an alarm suddenly blares throughout the building. A loud, obnoxious alarm that captures everyone’s attention. “What in the hell is that?” Dr Lang asks with annoyance.

The two employees shrug with a look shared between them. Clearly, they too, had no idea what was going on. Lizzie rushes towards the door before turning to look at me once she realises that I hadn’t moved from my spot in front of the mirror. “Candace! Come on. We need to get out of here and find out what’s going on.” she whispers harshly.

I glance between her and Bud, feeling conflicted about what I should do. Dr Lang leaves the room whilst muttering angrily about some woman. I sigh and nod to Lizzie as she continues to panic from the doorway where she stands, it really wouldn’t be fair to stay here and leave her alone, especially if things had gone badly upstairs with the patients.

So, reluctantly, I silently follow her out of the room and up the stairs, hoping and praying that things hadn’t escalated too much. The last thing we need right now is more dangerous patients on the loose, causing more havoc than necessary.

His Anchor -Jedidiah Sawyer. (Leatherface)Where stories live. Discover now