♡ Chapter One ♡

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* Edited *

“In 1935, the state of Texas instituted an endangered childcare program. The first year, nearly fifty children were taken from homes where criminal activity was the norm. Most of these children were given new names and entered into foster care. Others, the product of degenerate parentage, were remitted here to Gorman house. We take care of their psychological and physical needs.”

Well, that’s bullshit. I mentally acknowledge while resisting the urge to roll my eyes for the hundredth time at the doctor beside us. Doctor Lang – the head of this facility – drones on about its history and purpose, attempting to convince both myself and my colleague that it’s a positive place for his patients.

Again, it’s utter bullshit and just a quick tour of this place makes that painfully clear; the patients are treated like wild animals, even when they appear calm.

But as usual, Lizzie fails to notice this, and so she responds politely, as always. “Yes, sir.” she says with a smile, “I’ve been wanting to come here for a long time. I think I can help them find themselves and get out--”

“Elizabeth,” Doctor Lang interrupts firmly, “most of these kids will end up in prison or mental institutions. Keeping them here is safer for everyone.” he locks eyes with her as I awkwardly watch the encounter; unsure what to do. Then, after a long moment of intense eye contact with my dearest friend, the wrinkled man nods and turns to walk back the way we had come. “Keep your guards up!” he calls over his shoulder, leaving us watching him silently with his words lingering in our heads.

Lizzie sighs and begins making her way down the corridor; clearly more enthusiastic than I was to start the day. I was already feeling the negativity of this place. It feels like a prison, which makes me sympathise with the patients. I can’t even begin to imagine what they have experienced, even before coming to this facility.

In all honesty, the only reason I had even considered taking this job was to help the patients here, I wanted to be the warm hand that pulls them from the dark depths of this place and their troubled minds. The friendly face they would look for in a crisis, the person they felt they could trust and rely on. I took this job with the intention of doing good and that hadn’t changed now that I was officially a nurse here, if anything, I was even more driven to improve life here for the patients and staff.

So, when we come upon the large set of white double doors that lead into the patients day room, I smile and take a moment to glance curiously through the small circular window offered. My eyes scan along the room, and its many occupants until they eventually lock unintentionally on a man around my age.

He is sitting at a table with two other men, appearing rather normal and calm. In fact, he doesn’t look like a patient at all; he is far too handsome and therefore sticks out like a sore thumb.

Is he actually a patient here? I wonder whilst lifting a hand to push open the door - allowing both Lizzie and I to enter the room. The moment we do, the man lifts his head, catching my curious green eyes with his striking blue ones.

I feel my heart skip a nervous beat as I shake my head and drop my gaze to the clipboard in my hands. I have two patients on my list that I am to monitor; both male, early twenties, and both very close.

His Anchor -Jedidiah Sawyer. (Leatherface)Where stories live. Discover now