Chapter Eighty-Five - Dumb Savage

Start from the beginning

Remus looked down at his book, stomach hurting, chest hurting. Part of him just wanted to shout, do you know!?

Sirius finally said. "I guess I'm just in a bad mood tonight."

"What's up, mate?"

Sirius shook his head. "Nothing. I'm going to go get a shower." He gathered his stuff, sweeping out of the dorm room.

Remus clutched his History book to his chest, knowing he had caused this cause of the stupid code thing. He looked at James who had a very injured expression as he climbed down off his bed.

"What's going on with him?" Peter asked, moving closer to James.

"Dunno. Maybe..." James trailed off then shrugged. "Who knows. Except I probably should." He rubbed one of his arms in an anxious manner. "I thought I was his best friend," he mumbled under his breath.

Peter nudged him. "He probably didn't want to say anything cause we're here. Remus and I can go downstairs so you can talk to him when he gets back. Er, if that's okay with you?" he asked Remus.

He shut his book. Getting away from Sirius seemed like the best course of action. "Yes, that's fine."

James smiled. "Thanks guys. I'm just kinda worried about him. I haven't seen him react like this before..."

"We understand," Peter said then grabbed one of his comic books before noticing Remus's intense glare then he guiltily grabbed some of his homework as well. "C'mon, Remy."

They went down to the common room, wishing they had the courage to try and take one of the best couches near the fireplace (even in hot weather with the fire pretty much nonexistent those were still the prime seats). James and Sirius often did but Remus and Peter just settled for some chairs in a little nook area. Remus tried to study, to help Peter, but his mind kept going to Sirius, to all the possible clues. Or, not clues. They could be coincidences. Or just Remus's imagination. He really couldn't say whether or not Sirius did glance his way when saying he didn't like the song.

"Remus? Hellooo?" Peter waved his hand in front of Remus's face, drawing him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry, I've got a lot on my mind," Remus said, realizing his voice was a little bit shaky. Peter frowned. "I'm not feeling too well either, to be completely honest." Might as well start now since I'll be disappearing tomorrow night.

"Do you need to go see Pomfrey?"

"No," he said, leaning forward so he could poise his quill over his parchment. "I think I'll be okay. It isn't very bad right now, just a little tired. Plus worried about Sirius."

"Me too. He seemed really weird. Like, I mean, he snapped at James?"

"Yes that is strange." He began writing out the beginning of the essay Binns assigned, mind still drifting. He wanted to ask Peter if Sirius had said anything unusual about him lately. Kinda wish I could do legilimency. His gaze drifted over to the stairs. If I could just look into his head, to know for sure. Without any doubt. The only way to have no doubt was to ask him which he could never do. Hopefully my plan of the fake silver helps...


James and Sirius seemed to have made up. They were all smiles when Remus and Peter returned to the dorm late in the evening, though Sirius didn't really explain his behavior to the others. That night Remus had nothing but nightmares of Sirius saying cryptic remarks about werewolves while staring directly at Remus. He woke up a few times (not screaming) then finally morning came. He was super exhausted, especially with a four moon starting that night, hardly able to focus in classes but he didn't want to miss any. He dragged through morning classes then slept through lunch. When Sirius woke him up for Defense, all three of his friends flinched at how horrible Remus looked.

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