Chapter 11 : Time Immemorial - Part 4 : Something in the water

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It had been three weeks since the incident in the library, and Meifeng had since finished writing up her three copies of the disciplines in time to be allowed loose from the confines of the Sect to enjoy the weather in a nearby fishing village that was currently a hub of activity. Apparently, the Two Jade brothers of the Lan Clan had business here in the water-side town, so a few students were allowed to assist them, though Meifeng doubted it was anything major since the residences of the town were all excellent swimmers and nothing catastrophic had happened in recent years.

As marketers were showing off their goods to prospective buyers in their small boats, a clear blue sky stretched as far as the eye could see down the clear river's surface... but all Meifeng's eyes could focus on was a small bowl in front of her that held a helping of a delicious cream dessert. With small pieces of fruit atop its surface like colorful ornaments, she had been waiting to taste it ever since she caught a glimpse of it earlier that evening. "We are really fortunate to be here! I don't know how much longer I could take being stuck in that place!"

Across from her at the same table, Jiang Cheng was watching the girl stuff her face with food with an expression of indifferent annoyance; how could Meifeng be thinking of her stomach at a time like this when they had been allowed on a trip with Lan Xichen and other disciples? Then there was the fact that, anytime Meifeng ran into the members of other greater cultivation clans, he had to remain alert to separate a fight should it happen... which was often the case between her and Jin Zixuan, who was standing not far from their table coincidentally enough.

Said individual was scowling at Meifeng, and he knew the Young Master of Jin had been offended by her words somehow; he actually hoped deep down the two could find some amends when his sister would marry the other man. However, Meifeng didn't seem the least bit concerned at his animosity, as usual of the relatively carefree girl, as she dug into her cold dessert until something else seemed to catch her attention: the smell of perfectly fermented rice wine.

Of course it would be alcohol; his sister drank more than anyone he knew, male and female alike. He knew of some disciples who had placed a running bet that, instead of blood, the fermented brew flowed through Wei Meifeng's veins with how much she took into herself.

Running to a small gondola boat, ignoring his warning not to run near the water's edge, Meifeng disappeared from his sight down the busy river market in search of her new interest, and Jiang Cheng was left sitting alone with a half-eaten bowl of ice cream. As Meifeng's eyes wandered aimlessly to and from the different stalls of food and other new items however, her attention had been off of her surroundings, and the sudden thud of her boat hitting something alerted to whom she had ran into... literally. Quickly bowing towards her victim, she apologized through gritting teeth.

"Mr. Jin. I apologize for running into your boat. I was not paying attention as I should have." Meifeng couldn't help but notice that the small cup that had contained tea was now splashed on his clothing from the incident. Of course, the guy had the nerve to accuse her of running into him on purpose, along with declining any of her efforts to apologize further to him and indirectly insulting the Yunmeng Jiang Clan. It took every bit of lingering self-control that the Jiang family had taught her not to punch the stupid yellow peacock in his stupid face. It would've given her so much satisfaction to do this, but also cause trouble between the two clans hoping to unite through a marriage.

As the standoff between them continued, their surroundings disappearing until all that was left was each other, Nie Huaisang's figure came into view with his fan as if to cool the rising tension. The young master of Nie Clan disliked confrontation with a passion, which was noted by many due to the fact that he never wore a sword like so many other men did. "Please, Wei Meifeng... Jin Zixuan.... Let's please calm down." Meifeng, not deterred by Huaisang's intervention, continued glaring at the other boy as her clenched fists turned white under their stressed state.

THE YILING MATRIARCHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें