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While twilight approached in an October sky, a lazy moon hung hidden from view by a thicket of clouds that darkened the forest of bamboo below it. The only light provided was a multitude of lanterns as they swayed with the fast movement of those that carried them as they ran. All of the forms wore white robes decorated with a crimson sun-design, both around the hems of their clothes and other parts of the fabric, but that majestic circle was doused with heavy sweat despite the cold air that chilled them down to their bones.

Coming to the end of the wood to an opening, gazes feasted on the terrifying sight of kinsmen rigid where they lay on the ground as the cawing of Death's messengers echoed overhead. Blood decorated the shrubbery like water after a heavy rain, causing a nauseating aroma to rise into the air. A flock of black bodies picked at the soft tissues from the dead, carrying away their bloody trophies.

Eyes widened with fright at this scene, their terror was only intensified as the soft melody of a black flute echoed eerily on the wind. Both enchantingly beautiful and skillfully played, it was a sound all had come to equate with death. Weapons of iron raised in shaking hands at the approaching nightmare that surrounded them on all sides, leaving no hope for escape only as the fallen figures of their comrades suddenly rose as if pulled like a puppet on a string. Brows were heavy with salt as well, no matter that many of these men were seasoned soldiers that had faced uncertain odds before.

Beyond their heads, a deadly Angel of Death was poised on a bamboo branch while crimson orbs danced with vile glee as black and red strands like spider silk danced on the wind around the hidden figure. Never once did slender fingers hesitate to play its devilish tune on the instrument it possessed, ignoring the antagonized screams of its victims, until all was silent once more and the only sound heard was the gentle rustling of leaves and the singing of crows.

As the clouds that blocked the moon's gentle glow passed, the mysterious person was revealed to the naked eye to see. That body was pleasing to the eye with soft curves and large bust. Long ebony robes matched flowing hair as black as spilled ink on the fair surface of skin revealed. A single, innocent ribbon danced in those dark tresses, tying back a few strands that threatened to break free.

Now that the clouds were gone, previous orbs of wine were now a sparkling silver that peered uninterested at the twisted scene of corpses below. A pair of salmon lips curved into misplaced pleasing, curving into such a malicious grin in would make even the vilest of men shiver in fear. 

Seeing that her work was done, a small foot turned on its heel, and the young sorceress disappeared from view into the darkness below her. Under the cover of darkness, her steps towards their unknown destination were light and cheerful, as if she were returning from the market and not the gruesome sight of a massacre.

This would not be the first time that this young woman who possessed the demonic cultivation would strike, installing fear in the hearts of men with her Danse Macabre. In the duration of four years, stories of this person traveled far and wide in the Cultivation world into legend, but it would not be long before the Yiling Matriarch, Wei Meifeng, and her story would drift into nothing a myth that mothers told their children to make them behave.

"Beware my children, and be good, or else the Yiling Matriarch will scoop you out of your bed and turn you into one of her undead soldiers."


A/N: HEYA EVERYONE!!!! I told you I would edit and update this story and here it is finally! As you might be able to tell if you read this when it first got published, I've put a little more effort into detail, but tried not changing too much of the original writing. Do you like it?  I'm still working on some of the future chapters, so it might be a while before I give you all the next chapter, but I'll try to put it on here before too long.  Hope everyone is staying safe out there and let me hear your feedback!! I'll take anything you give me.

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