There Was No Cat or Rat

Start from the beginning

The way Blue acted said he was nervous, his teeth moved but nothing came out, he was muttering things. He kept looking at his brother, Carrot, for answers. Carrot was pacing back and forth in the background of Inks loud voice. He had his phone out and was mumbling things into it. He'd look over at his brother with a hopeless expression and a shake of the head. Blueberry didn't seem to be interested in anything but his worried thoughts. Outer and Plum shared a concerned expression. Though they both had no idea what was being planned in their counterparts minds, they knew they were looking for one thing and one thing only:



Look what I found.

Handy showed Cosmo a blue Tulip that was opening up its feral petals. Cosmo had woken up twenty minutes after his small nap and came running down the stairs to get his flower and water it. Buttercup hadn't had another incident involving crying, but Cosmo was beyond friendly to him, he kept sitting in his lap and asking to be read books on flower species. Though it made Buttercup happy to see someone was interested in flowers as much as him, he was slightly confused. Why did this small bones come to this AU? More so, how did he get here? He heard whispering 'Look... found...' it didn't sound like Cosmo. As of now, Cosmo was outside in the garden playing with plastic gardening tools. They were Plums when he was little. Buttercup had been pulling weeds out from around his Marigolds.

"Wow Handy, what kind is that?"

He heard Cosmo say, he sounded astonishing. However, who was Handy? Buttercup looked over and noticed a faint static white and black figure floating beside Cosmo. He was holding a blue Tulip and showing Cosmo. Cosmo flinched and the figure said something like 'Flower... Tul...'

"It's a Tulip? It's so pretty."

Cosmo's eye lights would sparkle and change to stars when any flower type was mentioned to him. Never had Buttercup seen such a child so fascinated with flowers. Although, it was a wonder how he got a Cosmo of all species. They were rare and only came up once a year in his garden. "Cosmo, who you talking to?" Buttercup asked. Cosmo looked up at Buttercup, so did the figure but it disappeared and Cosmo sighed seemly sad. Assumingly about the figure leaving. "It's Handy, he likes your Tulips and White Roses." Cosmo stated holding the Tulip.

Cosmo went back to digging a hole, and putting seeds in it labeled Iris.

A portal opened and Outer, Plum, and Ink came through. Buttercup waved and smiled slightly. Cosmo stood up and ran to Outer hugging his legs. "Outer! Hi!" Cosmo said excitedly. Outer chuckled and patted Cosmo's skull. Ink went over to Buttercup having been informed by a Gaster nicknamed 'Handy' that was taking Cosmo to different AUs. Also, that he was straight in dangerous.

Plum looked over the garden.

Outer knelt down to Cosmo's height and noticed he flinched. Buttercup looked over and glared. "Can you see it?" Buttercup asked. Outer looked confused. "See what?" He asked. Cosmo flinched and looked slightly dizzy. "There's a thing beside him, you can't see it?" He asked. Can... can Buttercup see Handy? Plum gasped loudly catching everyone attention. "The Tulips and White Roses are torn up and shredded, some were even dug up!" He exclaimed. Cosmo flinched before passing out for no apparent reason. Outer quickly picked him up before feeling something pulling at Cosmo. A random portal opened and it's contents looked like Waterfall. He wasn't sure which.


The force pulled harder and harder on Cosmo making him whimper in pain. Eventually start crying. Outer kept a tight grip on Cosmo who was weirdly still asleep. Ink opened up a portal of his own and forced Buttercup and Plum in before pushing Outer and Cosmo into his portal with a lot of struggling. Cosmo eventually screamed in pure agony and woke up and heard the closing of an 'opening'. He sat up in Outer arms and looked around. Where were they? Outer hugged Cosmo close. Cosmo was dreading, his flower was left behind. "Wait, you left my flower." He said trying to get out of Outer grip.

They just had a mental attack from a very dangerous Gaster and he's worried about a flower? "Cosmo, it's too late to go back, you have to leave it there." Outer stated. Cosmo glared at him. "I have to have that flower, mama gave that to me." He retaliated. Outer sighed and rolled his eye lights. "Fine... but you stay here with Ink and Plum."

Outer needed Buttercup because he could see Handy. Ink opened a portal after Cosmo was behind Plum and let the two skeletons through. "Be careful." He stated getting nods. Cosmo watched hopefully as the paintbrush handling skeleton closed it. Ink looked over at Cosmo who looked up at him curiously. Ink felt a faint pull towards this baby bones and he didn't know why. He felt a ping in his nonexistent soul, regret, sorrow, guilt, and death. He heard faint screams, cries for help, and words he couldn't decipher. However, what this kid said made him shake his head mentally.

"You're really short." Cosmo said bluntly. Plum stifled a laugh. Ink sighed having heard it before.

Once upon a time there was a cat and a rat...


Sorry this one took longer, I have ACT tests coming up in March and school is working us to the bone and saying 'this will get you in a good college' and 'this is SUPER important'. Yeah, get that, however, none of what you are teaching is on the ACT tests.

Anyway, if you still have question for me, Cosmo (Error if you want to call him that), Handy, or anyone else, put them in the comments. Dares are also allowed. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you next time peeps!

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