Chapter 10: Movies, Snacks, and Games

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The next morning Marinette, Alya, Tikki, Trixx and Duusuu were in their pajamas making breakfast. Kitty and Pollen were playing chess while sitting on two of the big chairs with the game on the coffee table between them.
Then the boys came up and sat down at the table. When breakfast was ready, the busy bunch gathered round the huge oak table and started eating while Pollen and Tanner got in an argument about bacon (Pollen being on the bacon's side and Tanner on the miserable side of no bacon).
Then they all got ready for the day and met in the living room do decide what to do.

"Should we go to the amusement park in town or should we go hiking?" Tikki asked the group.

"Maybe we should go hiking, I would be nice to get some fresh air" Adrien said.

"Yeah because being out here camping it's really hard to get fresh air" Trixx said laughing with Pollen and Duusuu.

Everyone laughed and they decided to go hiking anyway, they got their stuff ready and packed a lunch and headed off. On they way up Plagg and Tikki were way ahead and were talking in secret.

"Hey you two lover birds up ahead, what are you talking about" Alya called out.

They both turned and stopped with big smiles on their face, "Me and Tikki were just planning your first challenge and we finished just as you called out to us" Plagg said.

Tikki nodded "Alya and Nino, And Adrien and Marinette you both will be tied together and do rock climbing, and the first team who gets the highest in 5 minuets wins this round"

Alya, Nino, Adrien, and Marinette smiled and all said at once "let's do it!"

They all went to the place that they had to climb and help Marinette, Adrien, Alya and Nino get ready.
Then the two teams started climbing and everyone else cheered them on. In the end Adrien and Marinette won because of their skills from superheroing. After that they went back to the cabin and grabbed some swim stuff and went down to the lake. They played all kinds of games and ended up competing with each other in everything they did. Then some storm clouds rolled in and they all agreed to head back to the cabin.

Sadly, before they were able to get all the way, the clouds decided that they wanted to just pour all over them. Which resulted in Plagg trying to keep Tikki dry, Marinette grabbing Adrien's hands and booking it, Alya staring at Nino like he was a ghost because he screamed like a little girl when the rain hit his face.

Kitty, Nooroo, Tanner and Duusuu ran around like headless chickens and Pollen and Trixx pushed Wayzz and Phoenix into the mud playfully, and then yelled, "WE ARE AWESOME!!!!!!" And then they cackled evilly.

After all that chaos they went back to the cabin and changed into dry pjs. Then they all met in the living room and Trixx and Pollen pulled out a remote.

"Who is ready for the best movie ever?!?!" Trixx yelled.

Pollen then proceeded to scream, "THE GREATEST SHOWMAN!!!!!!!!!" And she stuffed her face with a Snickers.

Trixx was doing a weird little dance and then quickly ran into the the kitchen and grabbed a huge bag of beef jerky all for herself. They played the movie and then Pollen and Trixx sat down next to Phoenix and Wayzz. They ate popcorn (snickers and beef jerky for two certain people) and enjoyed the movie. Everyone sang along as they watched and when Rewrite the Stars came on Pollen, Trixx, and Duusuu jumped up and started singing while everyone else watched happily.

You know I want you

It's not a secret I try to hide

I know you want me

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