Chapter 9: More Kwamis

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"Here we are!!" Pollen said hopping off her dirt bike.

Everyone followed her inside and the girls made sure the guys weren't paying attention and then nodded to each other, they wandered off pretending to look at stuff. Tikki spotted a group of boys and motioned for the girls to come over the where she was, they all smiled and casually walked over to the group. Tikki sat on a Dark red haired guy's lap, and Marinette casually put her arm around a brown haired guy, Trixx was having a nice conversation with a black haired dude and was flirting with him, Pollen was also sitting on a blonde hair guys lap, Alya was talking to a guy with a mowhawk and then kissed his cheek. Then at that moment their boyfriends walked over.

"Oh hi guys!" Tikki said waving to the boys' mad faces.
Adrien walked over to Marinette and pulled her away, and whispered in her ear "Mine"

Pollen just walked away and pulled out her phone to take a video of the guys. Nino marched over to Alya and pulled her in for a kiss as if to say that she belonged to him. Wayzz tried to stay calm, but sadly failed and walked over to Trixx and pulled her away and the put is arm around her shoulder.
Plagg dragged Tikki off the red haired guy, Tikki giggled and then looked at the red haired guy to apologize, that's when she recognized him, "Tanner? Is that you?"

The red haired guy looked at Tikki in confusion and then his eyes widened and he smiled.

"Tikki!!" He stood up and hugged her.

Adrien, Marinette, Alya, and Nino were the only ones who were confused.

"Hey! Kitty! Come over here!" Tanner called.

A beautiful girl walked over, she had black hair that went down to her waist and her green eyes shone brightly. A small smile went on her lips when she saw who her friend was with.

"Plagg!" She ran up and hugged her brother.

Then a girl with clothes that were different shades of blue and a peacock feather in her black hair walked up to Tanner. Tanner wriggled our of his sister's grasp and put his arm around the blue clothed girl.

Trixx and Pollen yelled, "Duusuu! You're here! We've missed you so much!"

Duusuu smiled and ran over to her friends giving them hugs. Pollen pulled away from the hug and looked at Tanner then to Trixx who was just looking at Tanner as well.
Then they said, "Finally Duusuu! It's about gosh dang time you got with Tanner!"

Duusuu giggled and pointed to Trixx, "Don't think I didn't notice you and Wayzz."

Trixx blushed and replied, "That's nothing!"

Duusuu looked at Pollen with a raised eyebrow.

Pollen shrugged, "It's a work in progress."

Trixx whirled on her bee themed friend, "Hey! I don't see you with you know who! Don't judge me!"

Pollen rolled her eyes, "Nope. Never. I'm gonna be as single as a Pringle."

The two girls started at their best friend.

Duusuu sighed, "You do realize Pringles are not single...."

Trixx joined in, "Pringles share the same tube with all kinds of other Pringles. That is NOT single."

"Well.. those two have a point, and Tanner, you never told me you and Duusuu were a thing!" Tikki said with a big grin on her face, "Well I'm still happy for you two!"

Kitty laughed and said "I wish Plagg was that way... but he never is" She walked over to Tikki to give her a hug.

Plagg folded his arms "I am that way! I never get in your way when it comes to you dating."

Human Kwamisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें